


(2008-09-19 22:24:58) 下一个

英文片名 : The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness
导 演 : 马克·罗布森 Mark Robson
编 剧 : Alan Burgess
制 作 人 : 巴迪·艾德勒 Buddy Adler, James E. Newcom
主要演员 :
英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman ....Jan-Ai former Mrs. Gladys Aylward
尤尔根斯·库尔特 Curd J ü rgens ....Capt. Lin Nan (as Curt Jurgens)
地 区:美国
类 型:剧情 / 传记
片 长: 158 min
上 映: 1958 年 12 月 11 日
对 白:英语 / 中文字幕
发行公司: 20 世纪福克斯电影公司
压缩格式: RMVB(DVD 转制 )
文件大小: 542MB





I have to say something about this post. It’s a real tough and time-consuming job to get this movie posted here. Some hard work has been done before it’s uploaded.

First, the original caption consists of two files, which were merged into one to match the single video file. The merged caption file was also synchronized with the film.

Secondly, the downloaded Chinese caption is not very good. Some translations were modified because of typo errors, context misunderstanding, or being awkward, weird in the way in Chinese expression, and etc. However, not every sentences and words were reviewed. I just try to do my best to make the caption read more naturally in Chinese. But, it’s not perfect because of the limitation of my English skills. So, you’ll have to make do on it

Finally, this film was converted from DVD to RMVB format so that I could save a lot of time in uploading and save you time from downloading and disk space too. Although, the file has been converted, it loses very little image resolution.

It is a good movie for me and I hope you’ll like it. Now download and enjoy it!

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