
上海动保机构探访1 (of 3) ---上海Jaiya Animal Rescue

(2010-06-25 08:49:36) 下一个
上海动保机构探访1---上海Jaiya Animal Rescue

这次去上海,目的有两个。 一是爸妈年纪大了身体也不好,回家陪陪他们;二是想看看上海的动保现状。 金椒妈告诉我说上海有一家一个外国人Marvin开的Jaiya Animal Rescue (JAR), 网址:http://jargroup.doodlekit.com/home 办的不错,另外我在网上还查到了上海小动物保护协会(SSAPA),http://www.ssapa.org.cn/。 很凑巧,在我回上海的20天里,JAR在6月13日在闵行虹梅路举办了一次动物领养活动,SSAPA在6月15日在复兴公园举办了一次宣传绝育的活动。两次我都去了,现在给大家汇报一下,以后有去上海的宠坛家长可以借鉴。最深的感觉就是在国内现在的氛围下,救助动物实在是太难,太痛苦的一件事。看着无数被抛弃,被虐待的动物,却没有时间精力财力去一一救助,有时又要受到层层阻挠,在旁人的冷嘲热讽冷眼围观下, 救助人的心里,日日受煎熬。我知道宠坛很多家长都是有爱心的热心人,如果有机会去上海, 抽空去看看吧。

JAR的创办人Marvin是个亚裔非华人,不会说汉语。 他做动保完全是在全职工作之外的志愿奉献。 JAR (Jaiya Animal Rescue) 的名字来自于他和太太的小女儿, 不幸于2009年2月14日死于婴儿猝死症。他的团体和在沪的外国人联系很多,所以6月13日的领养活动有很多热心的外国人参加。JAR团队里也有一些上海本地的热心人,经常救助收养流浪猫狗,我这次见到了一个名叫慧慧的年轻人,也是在自己的全职工作之余奉献时间精力财力救助猫狗。 还有一个宝山的王阿姨,搞动物救助已经有5-6年的时间了。王阿姨的宝山流浪猫狗的收容基地,是借的别人工厂的房子, JAR也帮助王阿姨扩建了三间屋子,以收留更多的动物,里面现有70条左右的狗和大约60只猫咪。 由于时间和身体的关系,我这次没有去宝山基地实地。

JAR基本上每个月都会有领养活动,具体日期和时间在他们的网站上都有。6月13日的领养活动有十几只小狗和5-6只小猫到场,每一只都很干净,漂亮。 最后4只狗狗和5只猫咪被领养。下面是我拍的一些照片。




这是一条小流浪狗------王阿姨的朋友周阿姨一天刚出门,就发现了他,他一直跟着周阿姨不放, 眼神中流露着哀伤。

周阿姨看他可怜,把他带进了家,他咕咚咕咚的猛喝水,一看就是渴坏了。小狗非常非常乖,不叫不咬不打不闹。可是周阿姨已经收养了四条狗了,实在无力再照顾第五条,所以才带他来这个领养活动。 别的狗狗都很兴奋,到处闻闻要人抱抱,这个小狗就是很温柔的在周阿姨脚边,给他吃火腿肠都不吃,你摸他,他也很温柔的让你摸,非常非常的乖,可是他眼神深处的那一丝忧伤,让人看着很心酸。 小狗当天没有被人领养走,周阿姨好像也很失望,不知道他们现在怎么样了:








As briefly mentioned at adoption day, JAR only started last year (March 2009). My wife and I named the group in loving memory of our daughter Jaiya Kristina who unfortunately passed away from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) on February 14th, 2009. My wife and I love animals and have always been saving strays or abandoned dogs since arriving in China. It is frustrating that there are no policies or laws to protect animals in the country, however, I am a little glad that there are active groups who are supporting and are compassionate about saving vulnerable animals. It's not enough but at least we can save as much as we can depending on the resources available to us.

I am working hard in trying to gain international help and seeking more exposure of the group and other organizations to the city and all over. Education is important but as you know this will take time.

My wife and I are working full time. JAR has become a '2nd' job for me as maintaining the blog and website takes time, communication with rescuers, foster parents and potential adopters, organizing adoption days, enhancing or providing help to other rescue groups, reaching out for sponsorships, doing workshops and educating students, rescue projects, trap/neuter release projects and many more. I am blessed to have a few people who are willing to volunteer and help out. Without them, things would have been a little haywire!

I currently have approx 35 - 40 rescuers who have animals in their homes, approx 20 active foster parents (always seeking for more for emergencies), approx 10 active volunteers however, I have a strong backing from the Shanghai American School where I have 20 - 30 students available to help (like what they did for the Baoshan Project). I now have BISS (British International School,Shanghai) interested in supporting our group too.

We have approx 70 dogs (only 40+ on the website as many are pending due to health/character issues, age etc), and approx 60 cats/kittens. Nearly every day I receive a call or emails asking us to provide homes for animals that people find on the streets, bushes etc. Unfortunately, I don't have the resources (shelter or funds) to help hence I ask the rescuer to look after the animal temporarily if they can. It is hard to say no as I always want to help the animals found, but I don't want to overwhelm the group let alone myself. The timing is terrible as many potential families have gone back to their home country for the summer holiday and its the season for finding kittens/puppies. We can only do so much.

We hold Adoption Days every month. This year is booked except August. Please see the link of all our AD dates:


I am going to be organizing (hopefully) a Fundraising event and sell products to raise money not only for JAR but also other organizations we support. Further information about our group check the links below:



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