大家好,今天收到小黄瓜的新主人的女儿(劳工朋友的太太)发来的电邮和照片,看着真高兴! 黄瓜的新名字叫Baxter。 下面是转贴:
...Just wanted to give you an update on Baxter。First let me tell you that he is beyond anything we would've ever imagined. He is the SWEETEST dog ever & is so loving. Mom & Dad are already completely in love with him and are SO happy they made the decision to take him. He's already spoiled.
I worked at the vet Wednesday, so I took him with me & had him vaccinated, de-wormed, & began his heartworm prevention. He weighs 68 lbs & had whip worms, which Dr. xxxxxx said probably contributed significantly to his thinness. Other than that, he was given a clean bill of health.
Today I took him to Petsmart & had him pampered & trimmed up and he is absolutely beautiful! Mom got so excited when she saw how wonderful he looked. I attached the pics I took of him earlier so you all could see how awesome he looks!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to care for him. I can assure you he couldn't have found a more loving home and couldn't be more wanted than he is at my parent's house. He is surely as much of a blessing to them as they are to him! Will keep you posted on his progress! Thanks again...
上次说过R那还有其他的狗若干:包括3 只大白熊成年母狗(Alice是其中一只), 一窝8只刚出生的3/4大白熊小狗,和屋里的4-5只狗。 还有马,羊,猫, 兔, 若干。 听说已有两个动保组织在调查,这么多的动物,我们实在无能为力一个个去救,请大家原谅! R还是不接我们电话,不和我们说话, 但前两天,看到她去买了干草,还有今天,还看到她在那边打理卫生,烧了很多东西, 希望情况有所改善, 所以我们觉得还是让动保机构来处理比较合适。 再次谢谢大家的理解, 和一直以来对白菜一家的关心和热心! 有什么进展, 我会上来和大家通报的。 谢谢!!