2013 (1)
"These 100 Japanese Cherry Trees planted around the Scott Lagoon have been donated to the people of Detroit as a token of our friendship and goodwill jointly by the Japan Business Society of Detroit, and the Citizens of Toyota, Japan, a sister city of Detroit, Michigan".
在美国汽车产业的心脏看到了日本鬼子的消息树,着实让我一愣。不知底特律的广大人民群众里有几个看过地雷战,听说过地雷的秘密? :)
对了,忘了说了,就在这个小岛边上的湖面上,1904年,福特公司的创始人 Henry Ford 曾经亲自开车,在冰面上创下了 91 mph 的世界纪录。他要是知道一百年后的故事,不知会怎么想?
God Bless America and the American people - 阿门
美国人其实不缺创造力,关键是顶尖人才都到华尔街挣大钱去了 :)