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回复 '喜欢简单2023' 的评论 : 简单地说,就我了解的情...
在皮肤病 牛皮癣 Psoriasis 的治疗上,美国与英国有什...
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多数情况,家里有啥都不用。 家里有游泳池,一定去GY...
去年的西藏动乱让那里的旅游业几乎完全停顿,今年新疆又出了暴乱,西藏立刻又变得一票难求. 现在国内特别流行自驾车旅行我的这对朋友每年花半年就开著越野车去探险猎奇,这些年走了不少地方,其中西藏,新疆就各去了两次,这些照片是我的朋友两次西藏之行拍下的,走多了,还出了本自驾车旅行路线的书,其他朋友看了她最近做的博客跃跃欲试,包了车邀我从成都和她们一起去,我真的是犹豫再三还是放不下这里的孩子,只能谢绝,心里那个痛啊. 听说沿途九十九拐,常常身旁就是悬崖陡壁,路途那是非常险峻的,不过风景也格外令人神往,大概就是这旅程的高潮所在。如果有朋友有兴趣自驾车去旅游,最好带些小文具用品在车上,沿途很多是没有开发的地区,物资非常贫匮,这些文具会给那里的孩子带去很多欢乐。和她要了几张照片和大家分享,过过干瘾, 更多的照片和路线在这里http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1623356782林芝的春天国道318,刚下过一场雪,湖面有小鸟觅食川西,乡城,峡谷台地上的村庄马背上的孩子,黄河边炊烟,阿里I am a driver on a western highwayFrom the mountains and to the seaAnd there's a song on the western highwaySaying I will be free The sky is fading to the color of the valleyDust of angels, and dust of dreamsYour city lights will shine until tomorrowAnd I will not be hereYour light is brighter thanAnything I've ever seenI hear your voice on every stationSingin'out of your dreamBy the roadside the trees are shiverin'Black and silver in the cool night airAnd under the moonlight hear a song you're singin'Sayin' I will meet you thereHere I am on the road againThe song began and then in the endI'll be standin' by the seaI am a driver on a western highwayFrom the mountains and to the seaAnd there's a song on the western highwaySayin' I will be freeRecorded by Maura O'Connellart