
[ 阿根廷,别为我哭泣 ]

(2008-06-15 08:14:41) 下一个

阿根廷,别为我哭泣(Don't Cry for Me, Argentina)


  “阿根廷,别为我哭泣”(Don't Cry for Me, Argentina)是1996年电影《贝隆夫人》(Evita)的主题曲。该片由歌坛天后麦当娜(Madonna)和安东尼奥.班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)主演,描写的是阿根廷的第一夫人——艾薇塔的悲欢离合、大起大落、享尽荣华富贵,也尝遍心酸坎坷的一生:她出生贫寒,但对未来充满憧憬,但在那个时代,经过不懈的努力,具有美丽容颜的她很快在一个摄影师的镜头下成名,从此辗转在富人和官员中,直到她遇到贝隆上校——一个声望上升的军官,她才脱颖而出,成为耀眼的政治明星。麦当娜又演又唱,表现大放异彩,曾获金球奖(喜剧与音乐剧)最佳女主角,也打破了她是“票房毒药”的宿命。

  艾薇塔的一生是个传奇,既深受人民爱戴,被称为“穷人的旗手”,但也被富人们称为“不择手段的女人”。人们忘不了她对社会、劳工、教育所做出的贡献。其悲剧性的早逝(年仅33岁),令人惋惜。该片改编自安德鲁.洛埃.韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webster)的同名歌剧,由阿伦. 派克导演。这首主题歌是《贝隆夫人》原声带歌曲中流传最广的一首,曲中写尽了女主角对祖国阿根廷的一往情深和她个人渴望改革的坚强志意,在西方的流行歌曲中是一首掷地有声之作。

  这个歌剧是韦伯中期的作品,包含了南美音乐的的迷人热情与流行音乐的柔美抒情,全剧在韦伯的调配下,曲风囊括了南美Bosa Nova爵士、蓝调(Blues)、探戈(Tango)、华尔滋(Waltz)、及流行音乐(Pops)等元素,架构出多采多姿的民族情感与波澜壮阔的史诗气派。


  Don't Cry for Me, Argentina

  It won't be easy 
  You'll think it strange
  When I try to explain how I fell
  That I still need your love
  After all that I've done
  You won't believe me
  All you will see is a girl
  You once knew
  Although she's dressed up to the night
  At sixes and sevens with you

  I have to let it happen
  I have to change
  Couldn't sail my life down at hill
  Looking out of the window
  Staying out of the sun

  So I chose freedom
  Running around
  Trying everything new
  But nothing impressed me at all
  I never expected it too

  Don't cry for me Argentina
  The truth is I never left you
  All through my wild days
  My mad existence
  I kept my promise
  Don't keep your distance
  And as for fortune
  And as for fame
  I never invited them in
  Though we seemed to the world
  They were all I desired
  They are the illusion
  They are not the solution
  They promised to be
  The answer was here all the time
  I love you and hope you love me
  Don't cry for me Argentina

  Don't cry for me Argentina
  The truth is I never left you
  All through my wild days
  My mad existence
  I kept my promise
  Don't keep your distance

  Have I said too much?
  There's nothing more
  I can think of to say to you
  But all you have to do is
  Look at me to know
  That every word is true



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