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《柯達克羅姆的中國》布鲁诺·巴貝攝影展在上海“CHINA IN KODACHROME 1973-1980” .AT GALERIE BEAUGESTEBeaugeste Gallery is happy to welcome you to the opening of BRUNO BARBEY EXHIBITION “CHINA IN KODACHROME 1973-1980” .AT GALERIE BEAUGESTE- 13 OCTOBER from 3PM to 7PM Bruno Barbey, a 50-year Magnum veteran, is an established figure in photo-journalism, and a highly praised colorist especially for his pictorials of MOROCCO- his beloved birthplace, and for his black and white portrayal of THE ITALIANS. In September 1973, as an accredited journalist to the presidential press corps, Bruno Barbey joined French President George Pompidou’s official visit to China, carrying with him a bag full of Kodachrome films.Besides the documentary reporting of the historical moments, Barbey has also recorded a colorful album of faces and landscape of China of yester-years, in Beijing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing, that are rarely seen by Chinese photographers, thanks to his sensitivity to colors and his sense of geometry. Bruno’s careful compositions took advantage of the omnipresent propaganda paintings and revolutionary slogans on the walls that he astutely superimposed on the quiet and casual pace of daily life.In 1980 Barbey came back on an assignment for the GEO magazine and captured the rural life of Sichuan and Guangxi, especially the misty scene of bicycles in the central square of Chengdu under the raised arm of a Chairman Mao statue calling for the Four Modernizations.歡迎參加《柯達克羅姆的中國》布鲁诺·巴貝攝影展在比極影像,周六10月13日,開幕式3PM-7PM追隨瑪格南圖片社將近五十年的老將布鲁诺·巴貝,被公認為報道攝影大師,同時也是曾因多年拍攝過他心愛的故鄉摩洛哥而受到高度讚揚的色彩專家。他的“意大利人”的一本黑白肖像專輯也影響了大部分攝影師。1973年9月,布鲁诺·巴貝加入法國總統喬治·蓬皮杜正式訪華記者團,随身带着了一大包他最喜愛的柯達克羅姆反轉片。巴貝就成爲了一個関键歷史時刻的見証人,同時也完成了一個豐富多彩的紀實攝影專輯,記錄了當時的中国人的臉孔和沿途風景:從北京出發 ,到無锡、蘇州、杭州、上海和南京一路拍攝。他的構圖巧妙地利用了墻上那些隨處可見的宣傳畫和革命口號,配上無關的安靜閑適的日常生活場景。在1980年布鲁诺·巴貝為“GEO”雜誌拍攝再次来到中国,這趟主要是在上海、四川、廣西見証了现代化的城市場景和内地尚欠發達的農村地區生活的鲜明對比的畫面。影展:上海--比極影像 http://www.beaugeste-gallery.com出版:华盛顿--国际中国文化出版社 http://www.iphcc.org收藏:美国亚洲文化学院艺术中心文库--崇德宣印堂 http://blog.artintern.net/55369http://kan.weibo.com/con/3500967690047022?_from=title
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