(2005-03-13 18:17:07)
An Annotated Bibliography of the Studies of Zheng He at the Library of Congress
International Publishing House of China’s Culture
Asian Division of the Library of Congress
Chinese Culture & Community Service Center
Greater Mid-Atlantic Chapter of Chinese American Librarian Association
U.S. Zheng He’s Voyages Celebration Council
November 18, 2004
前 言
美国国会图书馆有关郑和研究的书籍收藏颇丰。在中文部分有 专书六十余部、 期刊及杂志十余类,刊载有超过二百篇以上的郑和研究论文。中文收藏,以一六二一年明朝天启年间茅元仪撰写的“武备志”最具学术价值。该著作第八十册的二百四十卷末附有手绘郑和下西洋航行图,起自当年南京宝船厂,南下途径中南半岛沿岸,再西行经过锡兰、印度、波斯湾,到达阿拉伯半岛南端。此图是目前世界仅存的珍品,也是学者专家研究郑和航行史事的主要参考依据之一。本馆还收藏有明史、明实录等记载有郑和下西洋史事的古籍及当年郑和下西洋的重要随员:马欢、费信、巩珍的著述,如瀛涯胜览、星槎胜览、及西洋番国志等,记述航程途经各异邦的见闻及其风土人情,这些藏书是中西学者研究郑和史事的基本资料。过去五十余年中,台海两岸学人,在郑和的家世、生平、史迹文物、航行史料、航船结构等方面的研究考证工作,不遗余力,成果丰硕。在这方面,本馆收藏的专著堪称完备。除此之外,本馆还收藏有关郑和的民间戏曲剧本、历史小说、传奇故事等,其中不乏文情并茂的佳作。在日文、东南亚文及西文方面,自一九四0年代至今,知名的郑和研究学人如寺田隆信、川越泰博、杜芬达克 (J. J. L. Duyvendak)、李露晔 (Louise Levathes)、盖文曼吉斯等人的著作,都在收藏之列。本馆有关郑和研究藏书目录的编纂工作已告一段落,目前还在继续搜集各地出版的相关著作,期能在质量方面更趋完备。
Chinese Sources 中文資料
1. Books 專書:
Anonymous. Feng tian ming Sanbao xia xi yang 奉天命三保下西洋. ed. Wang, Jilie 王季烈整理. Gu ben Yuan Ming za ju孤本元明雜劇, vol. 25. Shanghai: Shang wu yin shu guan 上海: 商務印書館, 1941.
A script of folk drama written by an anonymous writer in Ming period, describing Zheng He’s high merits and great achievements; over-dramatic.
Status: Available, call no. K508. W19
Chen, Minli, and Zhu, Sujin 陳敏莉;朱蘇進. Zheng He鄭和. Taibei: Da Di chu ban she台北: 大地出版社, 2004.
A fictional story of Zheng He’s life and his adventurous voyages; interesting and intriguing.
Status: In process 9/20/2004
Chen, Shuiyuan 陳水源. Jie chu hang hai jia Zheng He 傑出航海家鄭和. Taizhong Shi, Taiwan Sheng: Chen xing chu ban she台灣省, 台中市: 晨星出版社, 2000.
Status: n.o.s.
Chen, Xinxiong, and Chen, Yunu, eds. 陳信雄;陳玉女 合編. Zheng He xia xi yang guo ji xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji 鄭和下西洋國際學術研討會論文集. Banqiao Shi, Taibei Xian, Taiwan Sheng: Dao xiang chu ban she台灣省, 台北縣, 板橋市: 稻香出版社, 2003.
Status: In process, 6/29/2004
Fan, Wentao 范文濤. Zheng He hang hai tu kao 鄭和航海圖考. Chongqing: Shang wu yin shu guan 重慶: 商務印書館, 1943.
A study of the dates and the maps of the routes of Zheng He’s voyages; with statistical tables.
Status: Available, call no. B689.5 F18
Fan, Zhongyi, and Wang, Zhenhua 范中義; 王振華. Zheng He xia xi yang 鄭和下西洋. Beijing: Hai yang chu ban she 北京: 海洋出版社, 1982.
On the course, activities, and the influence of Zheng He’s voyages, in a general historical framework; a general introduction to Zheng He for common readers and also a good handbook for middle school teachers.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 F36
Fang, Hao 方豪. Zhong xi jiao tong shi 中西交通史, vol. 2. Changsha Shi, Hunan Sheng: Yue lu chu ban she 岳麓出版社, 1987.
Pp. 610-636 provide a comprehensive description of Zheng He’s maritime expeditions and its contributions.
Status: Available, call no. DS 740.4 .F268 1987
Hai jun hai yang ce hui yan jiu suo, Dalian hai yun xue yuan hang hai shi yan jiu shi, ed. 海軍海洋測繪研究所, 大連海運學院航海史研究室 編. Xin bian Zheng He hang hai tu ji 新編鄭和航海圖集. Beijing: Ren min jiao tong chu ban she 北京: 人民交通出版社, 1988.
Status: n.o.s.
Jiang, Hong 江鴻. Zui zao de Zhongguo da hang hai jia-Zheng He 最早的中國大航海家-鄭和. Taibei: Taiwan Zhonghua shu ju 台北: 台灣中華書局, 1986.
A general study of the course of life, career, and the historical relics of Zheng He, and the technique of ship building and the art of navigation in Zheng He’s time; with maps and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C55 1986
Jiao yu bu, She hui jiao yu si 教育部, 社會教育司. Li shi ren wu gu shi 歷史人物故事. Taibei: Taiwan zheng zhong shu ju 台北: 台灣正中書局, 1971.
Pp. 511-522 provide two short articles introducing Zheng He’s course of life and career, and acclaiming him as one of the greatest national heroes in Chinese history.
Status: Available, call no. DS 734 .L484
Jing dian za zhi, ed. 經典雜誌 編. Zheng He xia xi yang: Hai shang shi shi 鄭和下西洋: 海上史詩. Taibei: Jing dian za zhi 台北: 經典雜誌, 1999.
Status: n.o.s.
Kong, Lingren 孔令仁. Zheng He: Ling Gelunbu an ran shi se de da hang hai jia 鄭和: 令哥倫布黯然失色的大航海家. Xian Shi, Shanxi Sheng: San qin chu ban she 陜西省, 西安市: 三秦出版社, 1991.
Status: n.o.s.
Lan, Hai蘭海. Sanbao tai jian xia xi yang 三保太監下西洋. Beijing: Hai yang chu ban she 北京: 海洋出版社, 1982.
A serial novel, narrating Zheng He’s course of life, career, and the great accomplishments in his seven voyages.
Status: Available, call no. PL 2876 .A438 S2 1982
Li, Luye (Levathes, Louise) 李露瞱. Dang Zhongguo cheng ba hai shang 當中國稱霸海上. [When China Ruled the Seas – The Treasure Fleet of the Dragon Throne,
1405-33]. trans. Qiu, Zhonglin 邱仲麟 譯. Taibei: Yuan liu chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si台北: 遠流出版事業股份有限公司, 2000.
A romantic accounts of Zheng He’s life and his fleet’s journey to far-flung outposts throughout China, Southeast Asia, South Africa, and Australia; with maps and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 L4812 2000
Li, Shihou 李士厚. Zheng He jia pu kao shi 鄭和家譜考釋. Kunming Shi, Yunnan Sheng: Zheng zhong shu ju 雲南省, 昆明市: 正中書局, 1937.
A investigatory work of Zheng He’s family genealogy; with pictures of the historical relics of Zheng He’s career.
Status: Available, call no. B987.1 C426L
Liang, Jiabin, and Cai, Zhen 梁嘉彬; 蔡鎮. Zheng He 鄭和. Taibei: Hai wai wen ku chu ban she 台北: 海外文庫出版社, 1954.
A general study of Zheng He’s biography and his maritime expeditions; with illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C4825
Liu, Li 柳籬. Zhongguo gu dai jie chu ren wu 中國古代傑出人物. Hong Kong: Da guang chu ban she 香港: 大光出版社, 1973.
Pp. 130-136 provide a brief accounts of Zheng He’s course of life and the distinguished accomplishments of his historic voyages.
Status: Available, call no. DS 734 .L533 1973
________. Zhongguo li shi shang jie chu de hang hai jia Zheng He 中國歷史上傑出的航海家鄭和. Hong Kong: Shanghai shu ju 香港: 上海書局, 1957.
This monograph provides a succinct analysis of Zheng He’s course of life, the historical background, passage, and the significance of his voyages.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 L58
Liu, Zhi'e 劉志鶚. Zheng He鄭和. Nanjing: Jiangsu gu ji chu ban she 南京: 江蘇古蹟出版社, 1984.
A concise description of Zheng He’s course of life and the significance of his voyages; with a chronicle of Zheng He’s biography.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 L57
Luo, Maodeng (Ming dynasty) 羅懋登(明). Sanbao tai jian xi yang ji tong su yan yi 三保太監西洋記通俗演義. eds. Lu Shulun, and Zhu Shaohua 陸樹崙; 竺少華 校點. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she 上海: 上海古蹟出版社, 1985.
This popular historical novel contains a series of mystical stories about Zheng He and his entourage’s experiences in the countries which were on the route of their voyages; fictional, readable, and suitable for common readers.
Status: Available, call no. PL 2698 .L67 S36 1985
Ma, Yunlun 馬允倫. Hang hai jia Zheng He 航海家鄭和. Beijing : Xin hua shu dian 北京: 新華書店, 1957.
A short story of Zheng He’s life and his maritime expeditions; with illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 M3
Mao, Yuanyi (Ming dynasty) 茅元儀(明). Zheng He hang hai tu鄭和航海圖. ed.
Xiang, Da 向達 整理. Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju 北京: 中華書局, 1961.
A detailed map describing the route Zheng He’s voyages, drawn in the period of the late Ming Dynasty.
Status: Available, call no. GA 1081 .M32 1961
________. Wu bei zhi, hang hai 武備志, 航海, vol. 240. Ming, tian qi xin you 明 天啟辛酉, 1621.
A comprehensive description of the systems of the armaments and military provisions of the Ming government. The last part of this work provides the illustrations of Zheng He’s expedition ships and a detailed map describing the route of Zheng He’s voyages, from the location of a shipyard in Nanking to the east coast of the African Continent.
Status: Available, call no. V. E701 M32.1
Menzies, Gavin. 1421: Zhongguo fa xian shi jie 1421:中國發現世界 [1421: The Year China Discovered the World]. trans. Pao, Jiaqing 鮑家慶 譯. Taibei: Yuan liu chu ban she 台北:遠流出版社, 2003.
A highly personal, dramatic description of the Chinese voyages of exploration to Australia, Africa, and America, led by Zheng He and four other skillful eunuch admirals from the Ming government in the early 15th century; with pictures, illustrations, and an extensive list of bibliography.
Status: Available, call no. G322 .M45 2003
Ming shi lu明實錄. Yong le shi lu 永樂實錄, vols. 21, 26, 35, 52, 54, 55, 59, 77-79,
85-86, 97, 99, 102-104, 119-120, 123; Xuan de shi lu 宣德實錄, vols. 67, 76.
A faithful record of the affairs of the Ming government. It includes Zheng He’s five
Status: Available, call no. B 350.63 A12
Nanjing Zheng He yan jiu hui, ed. 南京鄭和研究會 編. Zou xiang hai yang de Zhongguo ren - Zheng He xia xi yang 590 zhou nian guo ji xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji 走向海洋的中國人--鄭和下西洋590周年國際學術研討會論文集. Beijing: Hai chao chu ban she 北京: 海潮出版社, 1996.
A collection of 30 essays on the major aspects of the great achievements and influences of Zheng He’s voyages in the first decades of the 15th century in historical perspective; with a review of the research works on Zheng He from the period of 1986-1996.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C435
Pelliot, Paul 伯希和. Zheng He xia xi yang kao 鄭和下西洋考 [Les grands voyages maritimes chinois au debut du XVe Siecle]. trans. Feng, Chengjun馮承君 譯. Taibei: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan 台北: 台灣商務印書館, 1966.
A thorough, comprehensive accounts of the maritime expeditions of Zheng He.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 P413
Qin, Xiangrui, and Cai, Congming 秦祥瑞;蔡聰明. Zhongguo wei ren zhuan 中國偉人傳. Tainan Shi, Taiwan Sheng: Wen guo shu ju 台灣省, 台南市: 文國書局, 1983.
Pp. 327-335 provide a brief accounts of Zheng He’s course of life and his maritime expeditions.
Status: Available, call no. DS 734 .C573 1983
Su, Shangyao 蘇尚耀. Zheng He xia xi yang 鄭和下西洋. Taibei: Dong fang chu ban she 台北: 東方出版社, 1987.
A mythical interpretation of Zheng He’s life and his heroic tasks; a narrative literature.
Status: Available, call no. PL 2904 .S5 C49
Tian, Ao 田遨. Bao chuan yu shen deng 寶船與神燈. Shanghai: Shanghai wen yi chu ban she 上海: 上海文藝出版社, 1986.
Status: n.o.s.
Tian, Mu, and Jin, Ke 田木;靳柯. Zheng He 鄭和. Kunming Shi, Yunan Sheng: Yunnan ren min chu ban she雲南省, 昆明市: 雲南人民出版社, 1987.
A fictional work, dramatizing Zheng He’s woes in his childhood and the stories of his voyages.
Status: Available, call no. PL 2909 .I416 C47 1987
Xiang, Da ed. 向達 編. Zhong xi jiao tong shi 中西交通史. Shanghai: Zhonghua shu ju 上海: 中華書局, 1934.
Pp. 71-74 provide a very brief description of Zheng He’s maritime expeditions in the early 15th century; with a list of authoritative reference sources for the study of Zheng He.
Status: Available, call no. DS 740.2 .H78 1934
Xie, Juntao 謝君韜. Hang hai shi shang di yi ren 航海史上第一人. Taibei: Hang hai tong xun she 台北: 航海通訊社, 1955.
A discussion of the importance and significance of Zheng He’s great maritime expeditions in Chinese history.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 H7
Xu, Yuhu徐玉虎. Ming dai Zheng He hang hai tu zhi yan jiu 明代鄭和航海圖之研究. Taibei: Taiwan xue sheng shu ju 台北: 台灣學生書局, 1976.
A thorough study of the nautical terms and the routes of Zheng He’s voyages, based on the map drawn by Mao Yuanyi in the period of the late Ming Dynasty.
Status: Available, call no. GA 359 .H78
________. Ming Zheng He zhi yan jiu 明鄭和之研究. Gaoxiong Shi, Taiwan Sheng: De xin shi chu ban she 台灣省, 高雄市: 德馨室出版社, 1980.
An investigation of historical materials, including maps, records, documents and literature, which are related to Zheng He’s voyages.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 H74
Yang, Jun, and Yang, Ming 楊軍;楊明. Zheng He da zhuan鄭和大傳. Changchun Shi, Jilin Sheng: Changchun chu ban she吉林省, 長春市: 長春出版社, 1999.
A storytelling work, describing Zheng He’s course of life and his heroic voyages.
Status: Available, call no. PL 2922 .J814 Z454
Yang, Zuntian 楊尊田. Hang hai jia Zheng He de gu shi 航海家鄭和的故事. Jinan Shi, Shangdong Sheng : Shangdong ren min chu ban she山東省, 濟南市: 山東出版社, 1979.
A brief description of Zheng He’s course of life and a series of short stories of his voyages.
Status: Available, call no. PZ 10.831 .Y3295 H36 1979
Zhang, Tingyu (Ching dynasty) 張廷玉(清). Huan guan Zheng He 宦官鄭和. Ming Shi 明史, vol. 304, lie zhuan 列傳, no.192, huan guan宦官,1.
A concise but authentic historical record of Zheng He’s course of life and his maritime missions.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753 .M56 1975
Zhang, Weihua, ed. 張維華 編. Zheng He xia xi yang 鄭和下西洋. Beijing: Ren min jiao tong chu ban she北京: 人民交通出版社, 1985.
The technical, authoritative accounts of the historical background, organizations of the fleets, art of navigation, relics, and the achievements of Zheng He’s voyages.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C43 1985
Zhang, Xinglang 張星烺. Zhong xi jiao tong shi liao hui pian 中西交通史料彙篇. Peking: Furen da xue tu shu guan 北京: 輔仁大學圖書館, 1930.
Pp. 494-496 provide a brief, reliable, historical record of Zheng He’s life and the deeds of his maritime expeditions.
Status: Available, call no. DS 740 .C48
Zhang, Yiping 章依萍. Zheng He 鄭和. Shanghai: Er tong shu ju上海: 兒童書局, 1951.
A literary writing for children, narrating Zheng He’s course of life and his nautical achievements.
Status: Available, call no. B 987.1 C421C
Zheng, Hesheng, and Zheng, Yijun bian, eds. 鄭鶴聲;鄭一鈞編. Zheng He xia xi yang zi liao hui bian 鄭和下西洋資料匯編. Jinan Shi, Shangdong Sheng: Qi lu shu she 山東省, 濟南市: 齊魯書社, 1980-1989.
The most comprehensive studies of Zheng He, including assembled materials, data, and records of Zheng He’s life and his legendary voyages..
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C46
________. Zheng He yi shi hui bian 鄭和遺事彙編. Taibei: Taiwan Zhonghua shu ju 台北: 台灣中華書局, 1970.
A comprehensive accounts of Zheng He’s biography and family pedigree, the dates, routes, anecdote, and the great contributions of his voyages; with maps, chronicles and statistical tables.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C48
Zhong, Xijin 鍾錫金. Zheng He qing qian wan li yuan 鄭和情牽萬里緣. Alor Setar, Kedah, West Malaysia: Chi tu wen cong bian ji bu 馬來西亞: 赤土文叢編輯部, 2000.
Status: In process, 6/18/2004
Zhongguo hang hai shi yan jiu hui, ed. 中國航海史研究會編. Zheng He jia shi zi liao 鄭和家世資料. Beijing: Ren min jiao tong chu ban she 北京: 人民交通出版社, 1985.
A collection of the genealogical materials on Zheng He’s family history.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C425 1985
________. Zheng He shi ji wen wu xuan 鄭和史蹟文物選. Beijing: Ren min jiao tong chu ban she北京: 人民交通出版社, 1985.
A collection of 32 articles by authorities, describing the precious relics of Zheng He’s life and career; with pictures and a record of important events of Zheng He’s voyages.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C484 1985
________. Zheng He xia xi yang lun wen ji 鄭和下西洋論文集. Beijing: Ren min jiao tong chu ban she 北京: 人民交通出版社, 1985.
A collection of 29 essays on the study of Zheng He, discussing the purpose, significance, treasured ships, and the art of navigation of Zheng He’s voyages.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C44 1985
________. Zheng He yan jiu zi liao xuan bian 鄭和研究資料選編. Beijing: Ren min jiao tong chu ban she 北京: 人民交通出版社, 1985.
A well balanced collection of 39 essays on the study of Zheng He; with a long list of bibliography on the research in Zheng He by Chinese and western scholars in the last eighty years.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C49
Zhu, Xie 朱偰. Zheng He鄭和. Beijingi: San lian shu ju 北京: 三聯書局, 1956.
This monograph primarily studies the family history of Zheng He, and the dates and itineraries of his voyages; with maps and a list of historical documents and literature.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753 .C54
2. Series叢書:
Fei, Xin (Ming dynasty) 費信(明). Xing cha sheng lan星槎勝覽. Bi ji xiao shuo da guan筆記小說大觀,六編, vol. 7.
A record of local customs and practices of forty countries which were on the route of Zheng He’s voyages.
Status: Available, call no. AC 149 .P49 1975
Gong Zhen (Ming dynasty) 鞏珍(明). Xi yang fan guo chi 西洋番國志. ed. Xiang, Da 向達整理. Zhong wai jiao tong shi ji cong kan 中外交通史蹟叢刊, no. 1. Beijing : Zhong hua shu ju 北京: 中華書局, 2000.
A record of local customs and practices of twenty countries which were on the route of Zheng He’s voyages.
Status: Available, call no. G 401 .G654 2000
Han, Zhenhua 韓振華. Lun Zheng He xia xi yang de xing zhi 論鄭和下西洋的性質. Ming chin ren wu lun ji 明清人物論集, vol. 1. Chengdu Shi, Sichuan Sheng: Sichuan ren min chu ban she 四川省, 成都市: 四川人民出版社, 1982.
An analysis of the causes of the beginning and the end of Zheng He’s voyages, and its influence on the Chinese foreign trade in the period of early Ming Dynasty.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.5 .M54 1983
Li, Huiquan 李惠銓. Zheng He鄭和. Hui zu li shi ren wu cong shu 回族歷史人物叢書, no. 1. Yinchuan Shi, Ningxia Sheng: Ningxia ren min chu ban she寧夏省, 銀川市:寧夏人民出版社, 1985.
A short story of Zheng He’s life, especially emphasizing that he, as a Chinese Muslim, distinguished himself in Chinese history by leading the maritime expeditions in the early 15th century.
Status: Available, call no. MLCSC 90/02010
Liang, Qichao 梁啟超. Zu guo da hang hai jia Zheng He 祖國大航海家鄭和. Liang Qichao xue shu lun zhu ji, zhuan ji juan梁啟超學術論著集,傳記卷. ed. Chen, Yinchi陳引馳 編. Shanghai: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she 上海: 華東師範大學出版社, 1998.
A succinct analysis of the historical background and the routes of Zheng He’s maritime expeditions, and its contribution to the Chinese settlements in the South China Sea region; with statistic tables.
Status: Available, call no. DS 734 .L512 1998
Ma, Huan (Ming dynasty) 馬歡(明). Ying ya sheng lan 瀛涯勝覽. Si ku quan shu cun mu cong shu, shi bu四庫全書存目叢書, 史部, vol. 255. Jinan Shi, Shangdong Sheng: Qi lu shu she 山東省, 濟南市: 齊魯書社, 1996.
A work of travelogue, describing the customs and practices of nineteen countries which were on the route of Zheng He’s voyage in 1413; with a record of the different sizes of the expedition ships and the organization of the expedition team.
Status: Available, call no. AC 149 .S585 1995
Tan, Huisheng 譚慧生. Li dai wei ren zhuan ji 歷代偉人傳記, vol. 2. Gaoxiong Shi, Taiwan Sheng: Bai cheng shu dian 台灣省, 高雄市: 百成書店1974.
Pp. 119-127 provide a biography of Zheng He, describing his course of life and the contribution of his voyages.
Status: Available, call no. DS 734 .T263
Wang, Peiyun 王佩雲. Hai shang di yi ren Zheng He 海上第一人鄭和. Xiao shou ren wu cong shu 小說人物叢書, no. 142. Taibei: Shi xue she台北: 實業社, 2003.
A historical novel, dramatizing Zheng He’s distinctive course of life and the legendary stories about his maritime expeditions throughout the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.
Status: In process, 9/20/2004
Xu, Yuhu徐玉虎. Zheng He ping zhuan 鄭和評傳. Xian dai guo min ji ben zhi shi cong shu 現代國民基本知識叢書, no. 5. Taibei: Zhonghua wen hua chu ban shi ye wei yuan hui台北: 中華文化出版事業委員會, 1958.
A detailed, analytical study of Zheng He’s family background, the dates, routes, and the influences of his voyages; with maps and a chronicle of Zheng He’s voyages.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 H73
Xu, Yunquiao, ed. 許雲樵 校注. Xia xi yang za ju--feng tian ming Sanbao xia xi yang 下西洋雜劇--奉天命三保下西洋. Nanyang xiu zhen cong shu南洋袖珍叢書, vol. 6. Xingzhou: Xingzhou shi jie shu ju 星洲: 星洲世界書局, 1962.
A script of folk drama, describing Zheng He’s high merits and great achievements.
Status: Available, call no. PL 2698 .H724 1962
Yeh, Min ed.葉敏 編. Zheng He鄭和. Zhongguo li shi ming ren zhuan ji 中國歷史名人傳記, vol. 6. Hongkong: Shanghai shu ju 香港: 上海書局, 1969-72.
A brief biography of Zheng He; addressed primarily to secondary school students.
Status: Available, call no. DS 734 .Y37
Zheng, Heseng鄭鶴聲. Zheng He鄭和. Zhongguo li dai ming xian gu shi ji 中
國歷代名賢故事集, vol. 2. Chongqing: Sheng li chu ban she 重慶: 勝利出版社,
A comprehensive accounts of Zheng He’s course of life, and his maritime
Expeditions; with appendixes of historical data.
Status: Available, call no. B 987.1 C421
3. Periodicals 期刊:
Chen, Xinxiong 陳信雄. Zheng He jian dui ceng jing dao quo fe zhou? 鄭和艦隊曾經到過非洲? Li shi yue kan 歷史月刊, no. 141 (Oct 1999). Taibei: Li shi yue kan za zhi 台北: 歷史月刊雜誌.
This article discusses the unconfirmed reports of Zheng He’s African voyage in an analytical and historical framework; with maps and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 701 .L54
Jin, Qiupeng金秋鵬. Qi jin fa xian zui zao de Zheng He xia xi yang chuan dui tu xiang zi liao—Tianfei jing—juan shou cha tu 迄今發現最早的鄭和下西洋船隊圖像資料—天妃經—卷首插圖. Zhongguo ke ji shi liao 中國科技史料, vol. 21, no. 1 (Mar. 2000) Beijing: Zhongguo ke xue ji shu zhu ban she 北京:中國科學技術出版社.
A study of the structure of the treasure ships (bao chuan) which were the main body of Zheng He’s expedition fleet, a technical analysis; with illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. Q 127 .C5 C564
Jin, Qiupeng and Yang, Lifan 金秋鵬;楊麗凡. Guan yu Zheng He bao chuan chuan xing de tan tao關於鄭和寶船船型的探討. Zi ran ke xue shi yan jiu 自然科學史研究, vol. 16, no. 2 (April 1997). Beijing: ke xue zhu ban she 北京:科學出版社
A scientific research on the type of Zheng He’s treasure ships; with illustrations and diagrams.
Status: Available, call no. Q124.6 .T98
Xu, Yuhu 徐玉虎. Zheng He hang hai tu zhong “hang hai ming ci” zhi quan shi鄭和航海圖中 “航海名詞”之詮釋. Da lu za zhi 大陸雜誌, vol. 17, no. 5 (1958). Taibei: Da lu za zhi she 台北: 大陸雜誌社.
A study of the nautical terms on the map of the route of Zheng He’s voyages, a technical analysis.
Status: Available, call no. AP 95 .C4 T3554 1958
Zhang, Zhijie 張之傑. Ming dai de qi lin--Zheng He xia xi yang wai yi zhang 明
代的麒麟--鄭和下西洋外一章. Ke xue yue kan 科學月刊, no. 329 (May 1997).
Taibei: Ke xue yue kan za zhi she台北: 科學月刊雜誌社.
An analytical study of the existence of an un-indigenous animal in China in the
period of Ming Dynasty, which might be related to Zheng He’s voyages; with maps
and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. Q4 .K547
Zheng He yan jiu hui鄭和研究會, ed. Zheng He yan jiu鄭和研究, nos 13 (Nov.
1991)-54 (Feb. 2004). Nanjing: Zheng He yan jiu bian ji bu. 南京:鄭和研究
Published twice a year; contains scholarly articles on the study of Zheng He.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 C487
Zhou, Shide 周世德. Cong bao chuan chang duo gan de jian ding tui lun
Zheng He bao chuan 從寶船廠舵杆的鑑定推論鄭和寶船. Wen wu 文物 No. 3
(1962). Beijing: Wen wu zhu ban she, 北京:文物出版社.
A technical, authoritative study of the structure of the wooden ships, also called the bao chuan (treasured ship), which were the main body of Zheng He’s expedition fleet; with illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 715 .W44
Japanese Sources 日文資料:
Ma, Huan (Ming dynasty) 馬歡(明). Eigaish oran-Tei-wa seisei kembunroku [Yin ya sheng lan—Zhang He xi zheng jian wen lu 瀛涯勝覽—鄭和西征見聞錄]. trans. Ogawa, Hiroshi 小川博. Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan 東京: 吉川弘文館, 1969.
A work of travelogue, describing the customs and practices of nineteen countries which were on the route of Zheng He’s voyage in 1413, with the records of the different sizes of the ships and the organization of the expedition team.
Status: Available, call no. DS 505 .M216
Terada, Takanobu 寺田隆信. Teiwa seiyokudari yobun 鄭和下西洋余聞. Yamane Yukio Kyoju taikyu kinen Mindai shi ronso 山根幸夫教授退休記念 明代史論叢, vol. 1. ed. Okuzaki, Hiroshi 奧崎裕司. Tokyo: Kyuko shoin 東京: 汲古書院,1990.
This article provides a succinct analysis of Zheng He’s seventh voyage from 1430 to 1433.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753 .Y35 1990
________. Ei-raku Tei 永樂帝. Chugoku jimbutsu sosho 中國人物叢書 no. 1, vol. 10. Tokyo: Jinbutsu oraisha 東京: 人物往來社, 1966.
An exclusive study of the exploits and accomplishments of Yongle Emperor, including a brief account of Zheng He’s South China Sea expeditions.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .M43 T4
Kawagoe, Yasuhiro 川越泰博. Iwayuru “Teiwa gyokahi” ni tsuite 所謂 “鄭和行香碑”. Nakayama Hachiro Kyoju shoju kinen Min Shin shi ronso 中山八郎教授頌壽記念 明清史論叢. eds. Sakuma, Shigeo and Yamane, yukio 佐久間重男;山根幸夫 合編. Tokyo: Ryogen shoten 東京: 燎原書店, 1977.
This article examines the authenticity of a relic of Zheng He’s career.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753 .M533
South and Southeast Asian Language Sources 南亞及東南亞文資料:
Bagus, I. Gusti Ngurah. Tokoh Dempu Awang dalam dongeng Bali [The Figure of Dempu Awang in Balinese Oral Tradition]. Singaradja: Lembaga Bahasa dan Kesusanstraan, Tjabang Singaradja, 1966.
An essay, discussing the legendary stories of Zheng He in the area of Bali Island.
Status: Available, call no. DS 647 .B2 B28
Harun Aminurrashid. Peristiwa Laksamana Cheng Ho ka-Melaka [The journey of Admiral Zheng He to Melaka]. Singapura, Pustaka Melayu, 1969.
A fictional work, dramatically describing Zheng He’s voyages in the Malay world.
Status: Available, call no. PL 5139 .H33 P4
Kong, Yuanzhi. Muslim Tionghoa Cheng Ho: mistevi perjalahan muhibah di Nusantara [The Chinese Muslim Zheng He: The mysteries of his goodwill mission to the Indonesian archipelago]. Jakarta: Pustaka Populer Ober, 2000.
A study of the dates and itineraries of Zheng He’s maritime expeditions to Indonesia and Southeast Asia in the early 15th century, and the influence of the Chinese culture in those areas, with pictures and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 620.2 .K66 2000
________. Pelayaran Zheng He dan alam Melayu [Zheng He’s sea-voyages in the Malay world]. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Mallaysia, 2000.
A comprehensive accounts of Zheng He’s voyages to Malaya in the early 15th century, based on the relics of Zheng He’s expeditions in Malaya, and Fei Xin and Ma Huan’s narrative works written in Ming period, with maps, pictures, and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS592.6 .K66 2000
Western Language Sources 西文資料:
Chan, Albert. The Glory and Fall of the Ming Dynasty. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, l982.
A comprehensive study of the history of the Ming dynasty, including a succinct analysis of the historical background that led to the maritime expeditions in the early 15th century under the leadership of Zheng He.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753 .C4825 1982
Duyvendak, J.J.L. (Jan Julius Lodewijk) China’s Discovery of Africa; lectures given at the University of London on January 22 and 23, 1947. Londn, a. Probsthain, 1949.
A brief summary of the circumstances that led to the sending of Chinese fleets to the east African coast in the early 15th century under the famous Moslem eunuch, Zheng He, who in six or perhaps seven voyages established Chinese naval supremacy throughout the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Persian Gulf.
Status: Available, call no. DT7 .D85
________. Ma Huan Re-examined. Amsterdam, Noord-Hollan uitgeversmaatschappij, 1933.
A technical analysis of the Ma Huan’s report of Zheng He’s maritime expeditions throughout the countries in the South China Sea in the early 15th century.
Status: Available, call no. AS 244 .A52 n.r., deel 32, no. 3
Gamarra, Pierre. Vie et prodiges du grand amiral Zheng He [The life and prodigies of the great Admiral Zheng He]. Paris: Mazarine, 2000.
Status: In process 8/22/2000
Levathes, Louise. When China Ruled the Seas – The treasure fleet of the dragon throne, 1405-33. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996.
A romantic accounts of Zheng He’s life and his fleet’s journey to far-flung outposts throughout China, Southeast Asia, South Africa, and Australia; with maps and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .C48 L48 1996
Lelievre, Dominique. Le dragon de lumiere: les grandes expeditions des Ming au debut du Xve siecle [The dragon of light: the great Ming expeditions in the early 15th century]. Paris: France-Empire, 1996.
A comprehensive study of the maritime expeditions of Zheng He, and the Chinese foreign relations with the countries throughout the South China Sea, Indian Ocean, and the Arabian sea; with maps and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. DS 33.4 .C5 L45 1996
Menzies, Gavin. 1421: The Year China Discovered America. New York, N.Y.: William Morrow, 2003
A highly personal, dramatic description of the Chinese voyages of exploration to Australia, Africa, and America, led by Zheng He and four other skillful eunuch admirals from the Ming government in the early 15th century; with pictures, illustrations, and an extensive list of bibliography.
Status: In process?
Ptak, Roderich. Cheng Hos Abenteuer im Drama und Roman Der Ming-Zeit. Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden Gmbh, Stuttgart, 1986.
Status: n.o.s.
________. China and the Asian Seas: trade, travel, and visions of the other, 1400-1750. Aldershot: Brookfield, USA: Ashgate, l998.
This monograph provides the analyses of Zheng He’s life and his career, describing Zheng He as a commercial representative, diplomat, and military leader under three Ming emperors.
Status: Available, call no. HF 3838 .A783 P78 1998
Tsai, Shih-shan Henry. Perpetual Happiness: the Ming Emperor Yongle Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001
A biography of Ming emperor Yongle, including the historical development in China under his rule. Pp. 38, 66, 188, 198-199, 201-208 provide a descriptive contents of Zheng He’s life and his seven voyages, especially the five voyages to Malacca.
Status: Available, call no. DS 753.6 .M43 T75 2001
Svet, IAkov Mikhailovich. Za kormoi sto tysiach li. [Hundred thousand li behind the stern]. Moskva: Leninskii prospect 15, 1960.
A Russian version of the great achievements of Zheng He’s maritime expeditions including a brief accounts of the historical development in late Yuan and early Ming period; with maps and illustrations.
Status: Available, call no. G 326 .C5 S9