
南山松 (热门博主)
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周末一笑: 会说话的青蛙(转载)

(2015-06-26 17:10:01) 下一个
1 疯人院

Late one night at the insane asylum one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!”
Another one said, "How do you know?"
The first inmate said, "God told me!”
Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did not!”

一天深夜, 在疯人院里一个患者大喊: “我是拿破仑。”
另一个病人说: “你是怎么知道的?”
这时隔壁的一个声音说: “我可没有告诉他!”

2 会说话的青蛙

A man was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said: "If you kiss me, I’1l turn into a beautiful princess.” He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said: "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will tell everyone how smart and brave you are and how you are my hero” The man took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket.
The frog spoke up again and said, "1f you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will be your loving companion for an entire week” The man took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket. The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'11 stay with you for a year and do ANYTHING you want.” Again, the man took the frog out, smiled at it, and put it back into his pocket.
Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I’ve told you I’m a beautiful princess, that I’1l stay with you for a year and do anything you want. Why won’t you kiss me?" The man said, "Look, I’m an engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog is cool.”

一天, 一个男人走在路上。这时一只青蛙喊住他说:“如果你吻我, 那我就会变成一个漂亮的公主。”他蹲了下来, 捡起了青蛙并把他放到了口袋里。青蛙大声地说:“如果你吻我, 那我就会变成一个漂亮的公主。我会告诉每一个人, 你是多么的聪明, 多么得勇敢以及你是怎么成为我的英雄的。”男人把青蛙从口袋里掏了出来, 对它笑了笑, 又把它放了回去。
青蛙又大声地说:“如果你吻我, 那我就会变成一个漂亮的公主, 而且我会成为你最爱的同伴, 并陪你度过整个一周。”男人把青蛙从口袋里掏了出来, 对它笑了笑, 又把它放了回去。青蛙再次大声喊道:“如果你吻我, 那我就会变成一个漂亮的公主, 而且我会陪伴你一年, 做任何你希望的事情。”男人把青蛙从口袋里掏了出来, 对它笑了笑, 又把它放了回去。
最后, 青蛙问:“怎么了?我已经告诉你, 我是一个漂亮的公主, 并且我会陪伴你一年, 做任何你希望的事情, 你为什么不吻我呢?”男人说:“我是一个工程师, 我没有时间陪女朋友, 但是, 陪一只会说话的青蛙就太棒了。”

3 谁自私?

My husband and I were discussing the options available on the new car we planned to buy. The standard equipment included a driver's side air bag, but the passenger air bag was an optional purchase. I thought this was a bit odd and asked, “What would a wife say if her husband bought a car with only one air bag?"
"That's easy, "my husband responded.  "She'd say, 'I'll drive.'"


4 预约

A man called his doctor's office for an appointment, “I am sorry,” said the receptionist, “we can't fit you in for at least two weeks. "
"But I could be dead by then!”
"No problem. If your wife lets us know, we'll cancel the appointment. "


5 称职

“What makes you think you're qualified to be a night watchman?” asked the personnel director.
"Well, for one thing,” replied the job applicant, "I'm a real light sleeper.”


6 金发美女和她的马

There once was a really dumb blonde who had two horses. Now this blonde couldn’t tell her two horses apart so she decided to ask her neighbor to help her out. She said to her neighbor, "I have two horses that I can't tell apart, can you help me?"
“Sure,” said her neighbor, "maybe you should nick one of their ears, then you could tell them apart.”
So, the blonde went home and did that. The next day the blonde went to check up on her horses but saw that she could not tell them apart for the other horse had nicked it’ s ear also. So, she went back over to her neighbor.
"My other horse has a nicked ear now too.” she said, “Do you have any other ideas how to tell them apart? They are both girls.”
"Hmmmm.” thought her neighbor, "Cut one's tail shorter than the other!”
So, the blonde went home and did that. The next day, though, both horses had the same length of tail! So, the blonde, tired of walking to her neighbor's house decided to call instead.
“I see,” said the neighbor after the blonde told her about how both of the tails were the same, "Try measuring them, maybe one is taller than the other.”
So the blonde did that, then rushed back into her house, phoned her neighbor and said to her" You were right!! The black horse is taller than the white one.”


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南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '林贝卡' 的评论 :
Rebecca, I am glad you like these jokes:)
You have a great 4th of July weekend, too:)
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 The talking frog joke cracks me up. That busy engineer would rather have a talking frog than a girl friend. LOL.
I could not help laughing after I read the blonde joke. She went through all the trouble to find the differences between the two horses. Yet it was right in front of her eyes. One was a black horse. The other was a white horse.
Songsong, thanks for sharing all these hilarious jokes. Have a great 4th of July weekend.
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '~叶子~' 的评论 :
叶子, I'm glad you like them:)
叶子,have a nice week!
~叶子~ 回复 悄悄话 ha-ha, hilarious jokes.
Thanks, Songsong!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 'fengdaming' 的评论 :
fengdaming好! #4让人啼笑皆非~ #6金发美女又成了别人嫉妒取笑的对象了~
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '50后的姥姥' 的评论 :
美眉好! 夫妻斗嘴也是别有趣味的~ 好像多人都喜欢那个有童话色彩的:)
fengdaming 回复 悄悄话 我选4和6,好像同其他人的看法不一样,是吗?
50后的姥姥 回复 悄悄话 又到了每周轻松一笑,2和3很好笑!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '水沫' 的评论 :
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 'spot321' 的评论 :
水沫 回复 悄悄话 工程师那个最赞!
spot321 回复 悄悄话 预约大夫有时是要排很长时间,有急病的真实等不了。头一次听说新车只装一个空气囊的,看来吝啬的人到了那里都是吝啬的。估计疯人院里的“名人”一定是应有尽有啊。谢谢小松的笑料!祝周末愉快!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '尼斯' 的评论 :
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '北美君子' 的评论 :
君子好! 天下可怜的人好像不止是工程师啊,需要同情的人真是太多了~~~
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小声音' 的评论 :
尼斯 回复 悄悄话 我听过小粉说过他是拿破仑呵呵
北美君子 回复 悄悄话 接楼下小小的话说,我也是那个可怜滴工程师,只有周末才能来松松这儿看几个笑话,哇哈哈哈^o^...
小声音 回复 悄悄话 ^o^,我们就是那可怜的工程师,整天忙忙碌碌,都没有什么时间上网玩,哈哈!