
南山松 (热门博主)
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紫 。颜 by 红豆













花名:Social Garlic



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南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复安娜晴天的评论:

安娜晴天 回复 悄悄话 诗图乐,绝美的帖子,那朵淡淡的紫让我想到林黛玉, 也想到探春。
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复freshview的评论:

freshview 回复 悄悄话 阿松和红豆姐的诗各有不同意境,欣赏,享受了!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复~叶子~的评论:

~叶子~ 回复 悄悄话 诗情画意,赏心悦目,浪漫温馨.

南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复小声音的评论:

小声音 回复 悄悄话 清丽秀美雅致的小紫花真美,紫色的梦幻中诉说着一个浪漫的故事~~~~~~~~~``
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复京燕花园的评论:


京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 阿松家诗情画意,赏心悦目。

南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复bymyheart的评论:

南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复秦西的评论:

bymyheart 回复 悄悄话 恰是那一低头娇柔,风情万种。
秦西 回复 悄悄话 最爱这淡淡的紫色~~~~~
南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复红豆红的评论:


南山松 回复 悄悄话 回复御树林枫的评论:

红豆红 回复 悄悄话 是很好的呀,还是搬走了,开心!!!
御树林枫 回复 悄悄话 小声说:周末愉快~~轻手轻脚地走了。。
南山松 回复 悄悄话 Star Scopes 和以前的一次一样,就不重复贴了。

Aries-March 21-April 19

Life is going your way. The key to continuing success is to listen to and follow your instincts and heart, not your head. Your very first impressions are always the best. Make quality time for yourself every day. Do something for fun just because you want to. Let others know what you need. They will give it to you. Now everyone is happy.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

New opportunities are opening up all around you. How do you know which ones to pursue? First make a list. Write them down. Then, if an opportunity still feels good in a week or two, take action. If it doesn't, it wasn't meant to be. This approach keeps you from getting sidetracked on no-win situations.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

When you give, you give freely. Learn to feel in your heart what others need from you. You have a great reservoir of love and talent to draw from. Being sensitive to others' motives keeps you moving in the right direction. Sometimes less is more. Your very first feeling is the best guide on when to act and when not to.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Your positive attitude has brought you safely through many past challenges. It will continue to bring you through present ones. Keep honing your skills and talents. Stay sharp. Keep your mind and great heart open. See your projects through to completion and celebrate the victories. Life is good. You make it that way.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Continue moving ahead with those new ideas. You have plenty of energy. It's like you have guardian angels watching over and guiding you. With the intelligence, heart and spirit working so strong, you set a shining example for others around you. You are a winner in the game of life. Thanks for your light and guidance.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Balance continues to be the key to your progress. Take life one day at a time. You have many admirers. Savor the little victories in life, but don't become too attached to any of them. More are on the way. You are an inspiration to many. You are creating your own brand of magic. How? By trusting your own feelings and instincts.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

As your spirit rises, so does your mental and physical strength. Your thinking is keen and your overall view of life is positive. You have many spiritual blessings. Just stay focused when faced with daily challenges and you will continue to achieve fine results. Why? Because you have passion and you take action.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Gather information from many sources, then bring it together to form your own truth. Go within and let your heart speak to you before starting new projects. Answers that may seem outwardly unattainable will come together when you follow your heart. Put the pieces together in an organized manner and move forward to victory.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You have all the right answers inside you right now wanting to be released. Do not put limitations on yourself. You have unlimited power to manifest and create life's greatest rewards. Accept the beautiful being that you are. Make life an exciting adventure. Expect extraordinary results. Much good is on the way.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

No matter what has happened in the past, life always gives second chances. Accept the responsibility for all of life's decisions. When one door shuts, a better one is waiting to be opened. Keep a lighter touch. If it isn't fun, don't do it. Scattered energy has no way to grow. Keep on keeping on. The best is yet to come.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

New responsibilities are on the way. Why? Because you have done such a good job with the old ones you have been chosen to handle more. Your sense of balance is legendary. You always know the right things to say and do. The impulses that come from the gut instinct are never wrong. Listen to this inner glow and your light will continue to shine.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

So what if others don't agree with your decisions? It's your life, thank you. Lighten up a little. You handle family and work responsibilities in a beautiful way. Just be sure to set priorities and deal with the most important things first. Refuse to let the world push you around. Today is the best day of your life. Don't forget it.
