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Star Scopes (2/6/09~2/12/09)

(2009-02-07 10:27:23) 下一个

Star Scopes (2/6/09~2/12/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

The light within you continues to shine and brighten the world around you. You are a whole and perfect reflection of the good creative power that gives, sustains and increases life. Continue to live in peace and harmony with yourself and others. Stay excited about today and the endless possibility to live life to the fullest and you will.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

You have a powerful mind, but your best results come when you follow your heart and instincts. Balance is the key. Without it, the stress begins to slow you down and wear you out. When this happens, take a step back, slow down and ask for spiritual guidance to get back on track. Now you have the great blessing and life will be better than ever.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

Continue to create a new and better life for yourself and those you love. Refuse to let the occasional storm slow you down or hold you back. You are the master communicator of the universe you know. Listen twice as much as you speak. Be grateful daily for your many blessings. Firm up your daily plans before taking action. Now all is well.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Your strong belief in doing things right reflects your good heartedness and strong conscience. These qualities are a major factor in your personal and professional success. You can always be counted on to get the job done and do the right thing. You strong emotional nature is the essence of life. For this you are to be rewarded.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Because of your recent creative output, many more positive results are on the way. This attitude of positive expectance rubs off on others and makes them want to help you get what you want. Now be generous and share your blessings. This is a wonderful way to live and what Leos, the kings and queens of the jungle, are all about.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You are so good to your family, friends and associates. Why don’t you let them help you once in a while? Very few others are able to read your inner thoughts and feelings unless you tell them. Speak up a little. This allows your loved ones to show appreciation back. Now everyone is happy. What a wonderful way to live.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your quest for spiritual knowledge is legendary. Keep going with and plumbing the inner depths. Bring out the visions and inspirations that lead you to self-discovery and mastery over life. Now you are at your best. Now you have greater purpose, peace, love and health. Wow! What a great pay off for listening to your true self and shining your light.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Fine-tune your life. Focus in on the most important areas that need fixing. Write down your plan and sleep on it. Then tomorrow, take action. Take care of the most important things first. Be sure to balance it our each day by taking time to play. Do something nice for yourself. You have more than earned it.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec.21

Your good natures, focused vision and inner guidance continue to move you forward and bring hope joy and peace to your life and the world. Your greatest joy comes from making someone else happy. Your humor and laughter is legend. Your ideas are sound. Your spirit is strong. Your heart is open. It will only get better from here.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You know you are making progress when warm feelings and encouragement comes back from your friends. The joy and happiness in your heart ripples out like waves on a pond, gets into their hearts and comes back to you multiplied. If there is one defining quality about your life, this is it. You are so loved and respected.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

When you are relaxed and centered it is easy for you to turn inspired ideas into realities. Very few others have this gift of depth and concentration. You have the tools and you know how to use them. Because of this there is always action around you. You were born to do great things with your life and fulfill your promise. You continue to make us all proud.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Sometimes you may wonder where you get the energy to keep going even when life keeps piling on more responsibilities. The answer lies in the heart. Whenever you need it, this “heart power” turns on and gives you the needed boost to carry on. When your spirit is strong and your heart is happy, you are invincible.



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