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Star Scopes (7/11/08 ~7/17/08)

(2008-07-12 06:19:23) 下一个

Star Scopes (7/11/08 ~7/17/08)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

You continue to create balance from chaos. Why? Because you are one of the very strongest signs in the universe. You never give up. Stay objective in decision-making. Refuse to rush into things. Quality is more important than quantity. Stay focused. Write down and affirm your goals and dreams and the universe will continue to bless you mightily.


Taurus-April 20-May 20

Strive for a lighter touch in life. You don’t have to do everything at once. Happiness comes from taking on the most important responsibilities first. Now there is time to do more of the fun things. Stay true to your own beliefs. When unsure, ask for advice form trusted associates. This plan will keep you moving forward. No reason to get stuck now.


Gemini-May 21-June 21

Your life is a wonderful example of positive values and strong visions. You know who you are and what you want. You constantly transform your dreams into realities. The best part is you keep the blessings and rewards flowing, and increasing for everyone around you. Why? Because of your abundant, grateful and humble spirit.


Cancer-June 22-July 22

You have so much heart. You care so deeply. You continue to do great things with your life. You have admirers near and far. Stay focused on these awesome values. You are happiest when searching for life’s deepest mysteries. Make quality time to read study and incorporate your wisdom into a healthier, happy lifestyle. It sure inspires all of us.


Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Your life is a grand adventure. You are beginning to rise higher on the slops of success than ever before. The higher you climb, the further you can see, you know. You have come along way fast in the past few years. The next six months should see your efforts take deeper roots, grow and be able to withstand and diversions. There is no stopping you now.


Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 21

Energy is flowing well for you. Mars and Saturn are booster rockets for now. Mars protests you and Saturn gives you wisdom. Surprising outcomes and results are headed your way, far beyond the ordinary and mundane. Expect the unexpected. All limitations are removed. What appear to be miracles are on the way because of your wonderful perseverance and attitude.


Libra-Sept. 22-Oct. 21

Your energy continues to amaze your family and friends. You mind is sharp you heart is open and your spirit is strong. You have guardian angels looking out for you 24/7. You always know what to do and say next. A great blessing was placed on your life at birth. You were appointed by spirit to show us how to live a balanced life. Keep it up, please. We need you.


Scorpio-Oct. 31-Nov. 21

Scorpio, your high heartedness and positive uplifting attitude are a wonderful inspiration. You give us hope for better days to come. The Moon in Scorpio gives you an emotional boost right now. Take action on your greatest dream and move it foreword. The result will be wonderful growth. You are having so much fun. We want some too. Will you teach us?


Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec.21

Allow the living brilliance of your own spirit to fully awaken and guide you towards your highest dreams and aspirations. Get in touch with your most burning desires and manifest them into realities. You can do it. Why? It’s because of your high spirit. You are an idealist. The world needs your guidance like never before. Please keep your light shining brightly.


Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan.19

It’s time to rejuvenate yourself. You always work so hard. It’s summer now. Make a little quality time to do things you have been putting off. Now is the time. Today is the day. Do it now rather than later. Redefine your priorities. Catch a second wind. Jupiter in Capricorn says that you deserve to reward yourself. Then others will want to help you in your journey.



Sometimes it isn’t easy to be patient with others less instinctive than you. Do it anyway. The key for Aquarian success is to bring those wonderful inspired thoughts and feelings to the surface and then share them with close and trusted loves ones and friends. Now they want to help you, sometimes maybe more with actions than words. Lift is good.


Pisces-Feb.19-March 20

Say this out loud each morning when you awake and your day will go much better: “I give thanks for the gift of life, my family and my many blessings. I am so grateful. Thank you spirit. Mine is a wonderful life. I am so excited about this day. I encourage everyone I meet and thank them for touching me. I want to do more.”


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