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Star Scopes (5/30/08 - 6/5/08)

(2008-05-30 10:22:05) 下一个

Star Scopes

Author: James Tucker

Week of 05-30-2008 ~ 06-05-2008

Aries-March 21-April 19

You represent all the good stuff in life. You live by truth. You have a strong conscience. You have courage of your convictions and you stand up for them. You refuse to let fear and frustration rule your life. You live a high-quality life. You make wise choices. Is it any wonder that the creator chose you to lead the zodiac pack?

Taurus-April 230-May 20

Mercury in retrograde in Taurus says it's time to slow down and watch for signs before movement is necessary. Don't start any new projects right now. Instead, finish up old ones. Spend more time on fun things that recharge your physical and spiritual batteries. Now is no time to get stale or burned out.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

This is your turn at the zodiac helm. Enjoy steering the cosmic ship for the next three weeks. You can do it. You have a deep reservoir of energy, skill and motivation that never runs dry. Sometimes you even amaze yourself at all you do, because you never give up and you finish what you start.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

One of the reasons for your success is your devotion to family, friends and associates. No one could have a more loyal friend than you. You are committed to doing the right thing. You deserve great rewards. You are highly deserving. You inspire everyone around you and make us all want to do better. Thank you.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Your spirit is like a deep well of creativity continually flowing with inspiration, dreams and new ideas. Listening to this divine source as needed is your main secret of success. The possibilities are endless. Trusting and acting on this supreme guidance keeps the Leo fire going. Keep it up, and even greater heights will soon be possible.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The world sees you as calm, but under the surface is a strong nature that gives you the strength to carry on regardless of the challenges met along the way. You handle responsibility as well as anyone in the universe. Being an Earth sign in Saturn keeps your energy grounded, focused and growing.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You are a high-spirited person. Failure is never an option. Your good heart gives you an edge when making decisions. Your first impressions are the best. You always emerge victorious. This firm resolves makes others want to help you when needed. Let them. Born leadership and justice are just a few of your great virtues.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

There are so many things you want to do. You are the first one out of the starting gate. Just be sure to set your sights on one main goal before you begin. Quality is more important than quantity. When frustration sets in, slow down, take a deep breath and regroup. This second wind will move you forward and ensure victory.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You always come through when the chips are down. Your high heart and strong spirit are the main reasons why. You are so generous to everyone around you. All this good plus your natural curiosity continue to lead you in your search for life's deeper mysteries and meanings. Thanks for sharing these great truths.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Life is good. Why? Because you unselfishly serve others. You have such a generous spirit. What you give comes back tenfold when you are open to receiving. Acknowledge your worth, and you will see great abundance coming your way. You are a fine example of living a happy, fun-filled life. We honor you.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Idealism and compassion along with a strong sense of duty best describe your attitude and approach to life. You can always be counted on to get the job done right. You amaze your friends and associates with your creative output. If the rest of us set such an example as you do, this world would be a better place.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Your strong belief in honesty and doing things right is the foundation for your great personal growth. You are now ready to take it to an even higher level. Dare to be different. Let nothing slow you down. You are a winner with a proven track record. With all your experience, talent and determination, the best is about to happen.


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