这是一只Black-and-white Warbler。看见它在高高的树枝间翻飞跳跃,我只有静静等在树下,瞅准时机,拍下几张。早见到它在树上吞食一些绿的东西,本以为是绿叶子,想想可能是个吃素的,回家一看,原来它吃的是绿虫子,在它们看来绝对是美味佳肴了。原来大多数Warbler都是吃昆虫为生的,看它们这么容易就找到虫子,应该是益鸟了。

这里是一些web上的介绍: Distinctive in both plumage and behavior, the Black-and-white Warbler forages for insects while creeping along the trunks and branches of trees. Common in summer throughout the eastern United States and Canada, it has an unusually extensive winter range that extends from Florida to Venezuela and Colombia This conspicuous warbler arrives in the North early in spring, usually by mid- to late April. It is known for its habit of creeping around tree trunks and along larger branches in search of insect food in crevices in or under the bark; hence its old name, "Black-and-white Creeper." Unlike the Brown Creeper, which only moves up a tree, this species can climb in any direction. description 5" (13 cm). Black and white stripes, including crown. Male has black throat; female's throat white. Creeps on tree trunks.