这是Wilson ‘s Warbler。这只小鸟跳到前面的枝头上,我只来得及停下,瞄准,按几下快门,它就飞走了。

这里是www.birds.cornell.edu的介绍: “Wilson's Warblers are tiny (4 1/2" - 5") warblers with small bills and relatively long thin tails. With the exception of the males' shiny black cap, present to a variably lesser extent on the females, they lack obvious field marks. Forehead, face and underparts are lemon yellow, and upper parts are olive. The black eye stands out on the plain face. The tiny Wilson's Warbler is an energetic bird that often makes a circular motion with its tail or wags it up and down. This tame and curious bird will usually approach at the sound of birders' spishing. Wilson's Warblers eat mainly insects (especially leafhoppers) and spiders, but they occasionally consume berries as well. “