Dear Rolland,
It’s truly an exciting time to be alive.
We have the technology to control how we age. We even have choices
on how and what we want to “anti-age.” There are therapies for just about
But what really works? What isn’t going to break the bank? What
can you do at home for a complete anti-aging program, from the inside out?
These are questions we get a lot around here at the office. I am
asked all the time, ‘what does Dr. Sears recommend most? What do I do as part
of my regimen?'
I’m here to tell you the key to anti-aging isn’t the latest and
greatest skin cream, exercise program, or diet. Although they may help.
The real
key to the “Fountain of
Youth” is lengthening your telomeres.
Today I’m going to show you how.
Why You
Should Care About Telomeres
If you are a regular reader you know that telomeres are the caps
of your DNA. They are similar to the caps at the end of your shoelaces.
Telomeres keep your chromosomes from fraying just like the plastic
bits called aglets do for your shoelaces 1 (as shown in the
illustration to the right).
As your cells divide your telomeres become shorter. When the
telomeres get too short the cell can no longer divide and it dies. It’s a part
of the aging process. Simply put it’s cell aging.
Cellular aging is also called senescence. It is essentially the winding
down of your biological clock.
But … having any kind of health problem will also cause your
telomeres to shorten, making your clock wind down faster than it needs to. Here
are just a few diseases and chronic conditions that can cause telomere
- Macular Degeneration
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Cancer
- Liver Cirrhosis
- Osteoporosis
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Alzheimer
- Childhood Stress2
- Depression3
are a Girl’s Best Friend
This is where the wonderful advancement of science comes in. Since
the connection between cell death and short telomeres has been made, scientists
have figured out a way to lengthen telomeres. This is done by activating an
enzyme called telomerase.
Here’s the exciting part.
By activating telomerase you can improve and support your heart
function, kidney function, memory, vision, recharge your sexual desire, breathe
easier, look younger and feel younger.5
We can actually wind up our biological clock and keep all the
mechanisms working better than ever before.
Reverse aging!
Here at the Wellness Center, Dr. Sears has devised a test called
the Age Quotient, AQ for short. It’s like an IQ test for your body. AQ measures
your body’s intelligence.
Specifically the test measures the biological age of your lungs,
vision, arteries, bones, muscles, blood, kidneys, cardiac system, brain, liver,
skin, veins, immune system and hormones. These are the biomarkers of the
telomere testing.
Once all the tests are in, the results are calculated to give each
biomarker its own biological age. What’s interesting is that every test will
have a different age. For example, your lung age could be 20 years older than
your chronological age. But your liver may be younger than your chronological
The test allows us to pinpoint the area(s) of shortened telomeres
which helps us create a specific and individualized treatment plan.
But what happens if you can’t get to the center to have the testing
Activating Your Telomeres Today
You can actually “turn on” your telomerase enzyme and lengthen
your telomeres by adding extra nutrients and making a few simple lifestyle
The newest telomere research has shown that there is a connection
between social isolation and shortened telomeres6. Social media is
great for reconnecting but you need to get off the computer and interact in
person. Make time for yourself and get together with family and friends and
help lengthen your telomeres in the process.
Stress also causes shorter telomeres. Dr. Sears recommends daily
meditation to his patients. Find a quiet place and concentrate on your
breathing, pushing all thoughts away for 5 minutes.
Dr. Sears also likes breathing techniques by Dr. Andrew Weil.
These are available at Dr. Weil’s website,
One thing Dr. Sears always recommends to his patients and staff is
to take a multivitamin. Now the evidence is in as The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition conducted a study showing telomere lengths in women were
5.1% longer in multivitamin users7.
Lastly, research has also proven that women who take a daily
Vitamin D supplement have longer telomeres then those who don’t 8.
If you can’t get 20 minutes of sun a day or enough Vitamin D from the foods you
eat, Dr. Sears recommends to start out with 2000 IU’s of vitamin D3.
The next time you are getting blood work you can ask your
practitioner to test your D levels so you’ll know if you need to supplement
So, on your mark, get set, go. Wind up your biological clock today
and start to grow younger!
For a more beautiful you,

Sandy DeRose
Natural Beauty Advocate
P.S. Our customer service manager wanted to give readers of
Ageless Beauty Secrets a special one-time-only offer. Buy a jar of Dr. Sears’ telomerase
activator, Ultra Essence, and get a second one free. Offer ends in one week so
don’t delay. You won’t see this anywhere else. Click here to take advantage of this offer.
P.P.S. For additional information about telomere testing at the
Wellness Center or for an appointment please call Donna at 561-784-7852.
Mention this article and receive 20% off your visit.
1. Geraldine Aubert , Peter M. Lansdorp. Telomeres and Aging
Physiological ReviewsPublished 1 April 2008Vol. 88no. 557-579DOI:
2. C. Mitchell et al., “Social disadvantage, genetic sensitivity and children’s
telomere length,” PNAS, doi:10.1073/pnas.1404293111, 2014.
3. J E Verhoeven1, D Révész1, E S Epel2, J Lin3, O M Wolkowitz2 and B W J H
Penninx1 Major depressive disorder and accelerated cellular aging: results from
a large psychiatric cohort study Molecular Psychiatry advance online
publication 12 November 2013; doi: 10.1038/mp.2013.151
4. Delara et al. “Association of Longer Telomeres with Better Health in
Centenarians.” The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and
Medical Sciences. 208. 63:809-812.
5. Horner J, Maratos-Flier E, Depinho R, et. al. "Telomerase reactivation
reverses tissue degeneration in aged telomerase-deficient mice." Nature.
2011 Jan 6;469(7328):102-6.
6. Denise Aydinonat, Dustin J. Penn, Steve Smith, Yoshan Moodley, Franz Hoelzl,
Felix Knauer, Franz Schwarzenberger. Social Isolation Shortens Telomeres in
African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus erithacus). PLoS ONE, 2014; 9 (4):
e93839 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093839.
7. Qun Xu, Christine G Parks, Lisa A DeRoo, Richard M Cawthon, Dale P Sandler,
and Honglei Chen, “Multivitamin use and telomere length in women.” American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2009vol. 89 no. 6 1857-1863
8. J Brent Richards, et al. “Higher serum vitamin D concentrations are
associated with longer leukocyte telomere length in women.” American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 86, No. 5, 1420‐1425, November 2007.