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Cancel your colonoscopy--FOREVER!

(2014-06-06 08:27:14) 下一个
Thousands of patients around the globe are gladly hearing a BRAND NEW message about a "regular routine" from their family physician-
"I want to...
Cancel your
REVEALED--why M.D.'s overseas are
crossing routine colonoscopies
OFF their calendars at a record pace--
and the reckless reason American doctors are still putting your life in danger.

Plus: Your invitation to reserve...
a FREE, NEW LIBRARY packed with over 80 cancer cures,
arthritis secrets, Alzheimer's answers, heart disease myths and MORE.

Why are American doctors ordering over twice as many colonoscopies a year than their European peers?

Before you assume this is a proud milestone in crushing out colon cancer, you must see why a few prominent fearless physicians are calling the routine colonoscopy...


They'll convince you it's worth the embarrassment. They'll tell you the pain is normal. If you try to question its value or safety, they'll call you "crazy." Millions of Americans have been dealt a crooked hand but faithfully keep playing this dangerous game.

And if the thought of finding a tiny polyp scares you enough to actually ask your doctor for a colonoscopy, then--

They have you right where they want you.

Hello, my name is Amanda Angelini. Today, with the help of one of America's most trusted medical heroes--I want to show you why this "simple routine" is...

Anything but safe.

And the frightening fact is...Americans are being led like lemmings off this colonoscopy cliff-- and seem happy to go!

Working alongside one of America's last medical legends, I want to show you why you don't always need a colonoscopy--no matter what your age.

I'll prove it to you in the next three minutes and even point you towards 3 easy alternatives that are effective, safer and in one case, can be performed from the comfort of your very own home.

And that's just the beginning. This medical insider has authored a BRAND NEW LIBRARY detailing over 80 shocking revelations regarding cancer, diabetes,

Alzheimer's and heart disease. It's yours to reserve and receive--ABSOLUTELY FREE. Keep reading to learn how to get it.

But first, make no bones about it...

Why is our Gov't sitting on the sidelines?

(Because they were told to "sit still and stay quiet," of course!)

The colonoscopy is a risky procedure for your health and your bank account. So why is it one of the most "recommended" routine exams in America?

It's all by design.

The Washington Post recently reported on a secretive subcommittee designed to set prices for medical procedures. (In the free market, this would be called "price fixing" and would be illegal). There's little oversight and zero transparency in their figures--and which LARGER organization runs this committee? The American Medical Association.

And boy, do they know how to set those figures sky high! In fact, this subcommittee estimates a colonoscopy takes 75 minutes of a physician's time.

The fact is--it takes nowhere near that long. One Florida gastroenterologist said he performs 12 colonoscopies in a 9-10 hour day (including several other procedures). Well, according to the AMA, this work should take 16 hours!

It's just a small sampling of why Americans can pay over 500% more for this procedure than other nations!

And that's just the beginning - our medical system is full of scams like this--but you don't have to be a victim. Save money--and learn how to save your life by reserving your FREE LIBRARY of over 80 cures in The Micozzi Files. Supplies ARE limited--so reserve your copy now.

Skipping your next colonoscopy could SAVE YOUR LIFE

It's a scientific FACT, right? If you want save yourself from colon cancer--you must have a colonoscopy every year.

Says who? Not even the National Cancer Institute can agree with that claim!

As recently as 2011 The National Cancer Institute said, "it is not yet known for certain whether colonoscopies can help reduce the number of deaths from colorectal cancer."

The Cancer Journal for Clinicians reported, "there are no prospective randomized controlled trials of screening for colonoscopy for the reduction in incidence or mortality of colorectal cancer."

And even The New York Times recently questioned the colonoscopy's place in medicine. They reported that patients who had a polyp detected by a colonoscopy, "developed cancer in the next few years at the same rate as would be expected in the general population without a screening."

So why are American doctors so EAGER to bend you over again?

The New York Times and The Wall St. Journal recently ran eye-popping editorials splashing a spotlight on the real reason why colonoscopies are so often "recommended." Take a look at these tabs...

$6,385 for a woman from Long Island...

$7,563 for a New Hampshire man...

$9,142...for a woman from New York

And nearly $20,000 for a man from Durham, N.C.! All for a pointless probing!?

That's right, I said "pointless," and I mean it.

And guess what--American doctors order nearly twice as many colonoscopies than all of Europe--where a colonoscopy costs just a few hundred dollars.

Unbelievable prices mixed with a constant demand from frantic patients? KA-CHING! If you were a physician in America...

Wouldn't YOU do the same?

Hopefully NOT after seeing the horrifying risks involved...

Sure--colonoscopies have ballooned into a $10 billion industry--but they're by no means "simple procedures."

According to the National Cancer Institute, serious complications or even death from this procedure can be estimated at 70,000 patients a year!

These "complications" include--horrifying lacerations, perforated intestines, and massive bleedings. Not to mention a host of sickening bacteria which can be transmitted by the filthy endoscopes being used in the procedures.

(Oh yes...a disgusting 15% of flexible endoscopes harbor live cells and "bio dirt" from previously examined patients!)

In fact--given the adjoined side effects that can occur--like a heart attack...

Colonoscopies could cause more deaths annually than colon cancer itself!

So when you hear your doctor say...

Step back from the frenzy and witness for yourself... The great "RED SCARE" of modern medicine!

Ever since Katie Couric exposed all on NBC's The Today Show, by giving us a public viewing of her colonoscopy in 2000, patients have been demanding the procedure as if their lives depended on it.

And frankly, they don't.

Yes, colorectal cancer is dangerous. But the medical establishment wants you to think it's a "certain death" disease which will ruin you and your family...unless you have this "recommended" exam.

Here are the facts:

  • The average age for developing colorectal cancer is 71. Why then does the medical industry recommend annual exams starting at age 50 (and 45 for African Americans)?
  • It takes 15 years on average for a polyp to develop into full blown cancer. Given that fact, why are 85 year olds still subjected to this painful, dangerous and expensive procedure?
  • It is estimated a little over 50,000 Americans will die from colorectal cancer this year. With over 70,000 colonoscopy mishaps (including deaths) every year--what's the bigger threat here? Especially since you have a choice of safe, effective alternatives......

Discover these SAFE, EFFECTIVE alternatives to dodge colorectal cancer within your FREE LIBRARY of cures, secrets and medical myths. The Micozzi Files feature over 80 separate cures and secrets--and it's yours today FOR FREE with a simple reservation. But supplies are limited--don't delay!

"It's nothing to worry about...I wouldn't be concerned." DON'T BUY IT!

Knowingly or not--you are being scammed.

Worse than that, physicians, pharmaceutical companies, and lobbyists--are putting your life on the line--

And they're charging up to $20,000 for the pleasure!

And remember, in case you think, "it's all worth the risk..."

Even the National Cancer Institute has said "it's not yet known whether colonoscopies can help reduce the number of deaths from colorectal cancer."

All that is known for certain is...

Your life is in danger by this sickening scam and many, MANY people are getting FILTHY RICH off of it!

But here's the good news: You can skip this swindle and its risks--and still be protected from colon cancer by following some safe, simple procedures.

One medical legend who has spent over 30 years working within the halls of our government's most famous research facilities and worked alongside some of American medicine's greatest heroes--wants to help.

He is considered a true maverick within our medical system--not because he is a "natural know-it-all" or a "johnny-come-lately" (with some "wild," "weird," or "strange" ideas)...

But because he follows crystal clear science INSTEAD of the greed, the profits and the power currently driving modern medicine.

Today--he's releasing his ENTIRE compendium of cures, secrets and myths that he has seen work firsthand. And he's giving it to you ABSOLUTELY FREE.

Including...3 available, EASY, and effective alternatives to the colonoscopy scam.

  • One only needs to explore the lower portion of the colon, minimizing the pain, discomfort, danger and risk of injury--and get this--just ONE of these exams every 10 years can reduce the incidence of colon cancer mortality by 38%!
  • The next is completely non-invasive, pain-free and can detect polyps greater than one centimeter in 75-90% of cases.
  • And another non-invasive alternative is time-tested and can be performed yourself in the privacy and comfort of your own bathroom.

Yes--colon cancer is a REAL RISK. It's the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. But now you know the reckless reason physicians are piling on the risk with colonoscopies. GREED.

Someone has to speak out against this! Someone has to stop the scam! Dr. Marc S. Micozzi is ready to take the charge. And he's doing it by releasing over 30 years' worth of secrets, cures, and medical myths acquired during his career, starting as a senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health. It's all detailed in the FREE LIBRARY of over 80 cures called, The Micozzi Files.

Some of it will shock you. Some will inspire hope that your life can change today--no matter what disease you or your loved ones are battling.

But just imagine--if this is the state of colon health-- What about cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes... and every other preventable, CURABLE disease!?

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