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And be extra careful for the old milk trick.

(2014-01-16 08:41:59) 下一个
You probably know it by heart... "Milk: It does a body good."

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

And if you drink reduced-fat milk every day, your waist will expand while your blood sugar takes a beating.

Fat chance

When you're looking for support from the mainstream, it doesn't get much heftier than Harvard.

Dr. David Ludwig is a Harvard professor with a specialty in childhood obesity. But don't let the "childhood" part fool you. His message is just as important for adults. And it's as simple as basic math...

The sugar content of reduced fat milk is way too high.

How high? Believe it or not, a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup contains less sugar than a cup of 2-percent milk.

And yet, the USDA says we should drink three cups per day!

Drinking that much milk -- especially low-fat or skim milk -- is as bad as drinking that much Mountain Dew.

Here's why... The skimming process strips away fat, which helps slow the absorption of sugar. And that process strips away nutrients too. So the nutrition is scant, but the sugar level stays high -- and the sugar courses through your body much faster.

This isn't news. The only news here is that a prominent mainstream specialist is willing to say it in a major journal.

Don't be distracted by the mustaches and grinning celebs. Drinking sugary low fat milk every day promotes obesity and type 2 diabetes.
From: HSI - Jenny Thompson
"Three Daily Servings of Reduced-Fat Milk: An Evidence-Based Recommendation?" JAMA Pediatrics, Published online ahead of print, 7/1/13, archpedi.jamanetwork.com

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