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胡芦巴促進男性健康 Fenugreek: nature's aphrodisiac

(2013-09-30 11:49:54) 下一个

a standardized fenugreek extract called Testofen?. Used in Chinese medicine for centuries, in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, more than 85% of test subjects reported increased libido in as little as three weeks!

Epimedium, also known as horny goat weed, which is backed by centuries of traditional use to help support libido and desire.

Zinc to support a healthy prostate.

Read more: http://www.drsinatra.com/product/free-t-support-for-men/#ixzz2gP4ew7bA

Fenugreek: nature's aphrodisiac

(NaturalNews) Fenugreek, who's name means "ram's horn clover," is an herb that has been used by many cultures for its medicinal properties. It has been shown to be effective in treating everything from loss of appetite to digestive disorders to diabetes.

However, it is particularly noted for its ability to improve sexual performance in men. Researchers are not entirely sure how it works, but it is thought to increase male hormones by releasing saponins. Saponins are phytochemicals found in many plants that carry an abundance of health benefits.

Man-made vs nature-made

Nowadays men have countless man-made drugs to choose from when they desire some assistance in the bedroom. Instead of popping one of these many pharmaceuticals, that can pose serious side effects, first look to one of mother nature's best alternatives and you may be surprised.

Research, carried out by the Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine, demonstrated that men who took a fenugreek extract twice daily saw a significant transformation in their sex life. The 6 week study showed nearly a 30% increase in reported sexual performance, when compared to a placebo.

Good sex for good health

Men that engage in sex regularly, in general, are healthier, happier, and live longer. An active sex life can relieve stress, improve immune function and heart health, improve sleep, reduce prostate cancer risk, and improve self-esteem.

The many benefits of testosterone

Due to fenugreek's reputation for boosting testosterone it is now being included as the primary ingredient in many testosterone boosting supplements. Many of these supplements are marketed primarily to men looking to increase muscle mass and decrease body-fat. Naturally elevated testosterone levels promote high energy levels, heart health, weight control and increased muscle mass.

More health benefits

There has been extensive research in fenugreek's role in treating diabetes. It has been shown to lower blood cholesterol, blood triglycerides, and blood glucose levels and to posses anti-cancer properties.

Fenugreek has also been used to treat:

-Inflammation (arthritis)
-Stomach ulcers

Side effects

Fenugreek has been shown to be safe and effective. If fact, even breastfeeding mothers use it for its ability to increase milk production. One of the few possible side effects of fenugreek is a "maple syrup" odor that comes from the urine while taking it. While some may find this undesirable, it does not pose any health risks.

Pregnant women and children should not use the herb to be on the safe side. While fenugreek is not fully understood yet, researchers agree it is an herb with numerous health and well-being properties. This powerful, all-natural libido booster may provide just the boost in the bedroom that so many men are looking for.

Sources for this article include:






About the author:
If you enjoyed this post, check out more articles by John McKiernan at the newly launched
The Holistic Truth.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036020_fenugreek_aphrodisiac_testosterone.html#ixzz2gPOuOj84

無味胡蘆巴精華  Fenugreek Extract

胡蘆巴種子或有助於平衡血糖以及壞膽固醇。 胡蘆巴也有助於保持良好的新陳代謝、預防便秘、淨化血液、並幫助其排出有害的毒素。 胡蘆巴種子和樹葉都有利於增加哺乳期婦女的母乳。胡蘆巴已被用來治療多種健康問題,如消化不良,分娩延遲和普通感冒。




在印度的新任媽媽,經常服用葫蘆巴來促進母乳的分泌。 事實上,在亞洲、東歐和北非的母親已經應用了幾個世紀。 它也被用來催促分娩(因此孕婦忌用),也可促進健康的月經週期。

胡蘆巴扮演的角色,是通過減少糖份;我們的身體會從食物中吸收的。 這是極之重要的,在任何時候他們都必須調節。 當然,葫蘆巴是不能代替醫生建議的治療,但有時它可能有幫助。


功用: 溫腎陽,逐寒濕。胡蘆巴 - 溫腎,袪寒,止痛,可用於小腹冰冷。

胡蘆巴是一種具有幫助消化的食物。 作為潤膚藥膏是用在對疔瘡、囊腫和其他問題。 或可有助平衡血糖和血壓。胡蘆巴緩解充血、減少炎症、扺抗感染。 胡蘆巴中含有天然的祛痰物質,理想治療靜脈竇和肺充血,鬆脫和移除過多的黏液和痰。
胡蘆巴是鐵、矽、鈉和硫胺素的一種天然來源。 胡蘆巴中包含mucilagins,這是已知的能舒緩和放鬆發炎組織。 葫蘆巴刺激生產的液體,幫助黏膜致敏原和毒素從呼吸道移除。 作為祛痰,葫蘆巴減輕咳嗽,刺激排汗減少發燒。 在東方,種子被製成飲料,以減輕胃病。
胡蘆巴種子含有生物鹼,包括葫蘆巴鹼、gentianine和carpaine化合物。 種子也含有纖維、4 hydroxyisoleucine和Fenugreekine,這一組成分或可有助平衡血糖。 該機制被認為是胃延遲排空,延緩碳水化合物的吸收。


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