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Breakthrough Chinese cupping therapy中国拔罐疗法的突破

(2013-09-24 10:12:09) 下一个
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Dear NaturalNews readers,
(NaturalNews) In a breakthrough that combines modern materials science with the ancient healing art of Chinese Cupping Therapy, the Health Ranger has launched a cupping therapy set made of silicone. Click here to see the set at the Natural News Store.

Cupping therapy has been used by health practitioners for thousands of years. But until the invention of modern materials, these cups were always made of glass, a fragile, inflexible material. Glass was difficult to use because to create the suction needed for therapeutic effects, practitioners needed to light small fires inside the cups, then quickly place them on the body. The cooling of the air inside the cups resulted in the therapeutic suction.

Now, after thousands of years of rigid cups, advanced materials have allowed us to create flexible silicone cups with extraordinary advantages. They're virtually unbreakable, portable and pliable. Most importantly, you can easily control the degree of suction by simply squeezing the cups more firmly or gently, depending on your preference.

This materials breakthrough combines modern science with an ancient healing art, bringing you the best of both worlds.

Watch the full video where the Health Ranger explains this:
How Chinese Cupping Therapy works
In this video, we're using two sets of cups for symmetry. As you can see, the suction of the cup pulls the skin and tissues up and away from the body. Unlike accupressure or massage therapy, which compresses muscles and tissues, cupping therapy decompresses by gently pulling tissues outward. This creates space, boosts circulation, tones skin and tissues, and helps move lymph*.

Plus, it feels fantastic. People receiving cupping therapy often comment that it feels like they just received a deep tissue massage.

In traditional Chinese medicine, cupping was frequently used to relieve respiratory congestion by using cups across the chest. Almost anywhere on the body, cupping can be used to:

• boost circulation
• enhance tissue flexibility
• move fluids that might otherwise be stagnant*

Our therapeutic cups are made from silicone and are safe to use almost anywhere on the body, including the legs, back, abdomen, chest, arms, neck, wrists, ankles and even your face. One set includes four cups of varying sizes. Use the larger cups on larger areas of your body, and the smaller cups on more precise areas such as face, neck and wrists.

Click here to get a set now from the Natural News Store (they cost less than a single massage).

Note that if you leave these cups on any area of your body for more than a minute, they will produce a blood circulation pattern commonly called a "hicky." This is the suction of the cups pulling blood into the upper layers of your skin, and it's a natural part of the therapy. So don't leave them for long periods on areas of your skin unless you want others to see your cupping hickies.
Self-massage with silicone cups
Cupping can be done statically, keeping the cups in one place, or dynamically by using a body oil combined with gentle movement. We recommend ozonated jojoba oil, also available at the Natural News Store.

After apply the cup and activating the level of suction that's right for you, gently move the cup along the length of your arm, leg, spine or other area of your body, making sure to maintain the air-tight seal of the cup. This action is delivering a deep massage to your tissues, creating gentle movement that can reach up to four inches inside your tissues. It leaves your skin and muscles feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, and the enhanced circulation brings new blood and nourishment to the tissues.

Cupping can also be done in the shower. Apply Dr. Bronner's soap to your arms, thighs, calves or other areas, then use the cups to massage each area, including areas of cellulite or stretch marks. You'll feel refreshed and reinvigorated!

Cupping therapy is remarkably affordable. The Health Ranger's Cupping Therapy Set costs less than a single massage session, yet you can use them over and over again, either on yourself, or with a partner. Because they're so resilient and flexible, you can easily travel with them, and because they use no batteries or electronics, they last a lifetime and make a smart addition to any medical preparedness kit or home remedies collection.

Get your set now at the Natural News Store.
Product safety reminders
In terms of product safety, here are some important reminders: if you are taking blood thinners, you are advised not to use these cups because your normal blood flow and coagulation capabilities may be compromised by the medications.

Also, these devices are not a replacement for emergency medical care. Do not use them on cuts, broken skin or serious skin conditions. Obviously, these cups cannot set broken bones or treat serious cuts or other injuries. Seek immediate medical care for such conditions.

Once medical treatment is achieved, these cups can often be safely used to boost circulation to the area, which may help support wound healing and recovery, but check with your medical professional to be sure it's safe in your particular circumstances.

These cups are not toys, so please keep them away from small children.
P.S. Thank you for your support and your business. It's because of people like you that we are able to continue our mission of consumer activism and spreading the word about nutritional therapies that really work. Natural News is a rare beacon of truth in a world full of misinformation about health, and we depend on your support to continue pursuing our mission every single day.  :-)
Thank you for your support,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
 * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
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