When it comes to fats, the tables have turned back and forth. Years ago, Americans were focused on low fat, high carbohydrate diets—which caused many of us to not only gain weight, but to become obese. The fact is, your body does require fats. The trick is incorporating them in your diet the right way.
Here are six healthy ways to incorporate fat into your diet:
- Cut down on your intake. Limit total fats in your diet to no more than 30 percent: 5 percent polyunsaturated fats, 15 percent monounsaturated fats, and 10 percent saturated fats.
- Get your fats from natural products. The closer to nature and the less processed, the better. Nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, and fish are the best sources.
- Avoid fried foods. Remember that even the best oils become saturated when heated. If you do end up frying something, don’t heat the oil hot enough to make it smoke. Use monounsaturated, unhydrogenated oils for frying, such as palm or peanut oil. Don’t re-use cooking oils.
- Buy the freshest and highest-quality oils available and store them in a cool area away from exposure to light and air.
- Add minced or chopped onion or garlic to oil before cooking to gain the benefit of their antioxidant properties.
- Dispose of older oils, especially if they have been opened but have sat unused for long periods of time.
Now it's your turn: Do you have a favorite way to add healthy fats to your diet?
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