2009 (442)
2010 (173)
2011 (133)
2013 (373)
2014 (400)
Read more: http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2013/04/19/cellulite-elimination.aspx?e_cid=20130419_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20130419Cellulite, those pockets of fat that tend to collect on buttocks, thighs and upper arms, are a cause of embarrassment for many. The dimpling, “orange peel” effect occurs when fat cells push against the surrounding subcutaneous connective tissue in your skin. If your lymph circulation becomes sluggish, toxins accumulate in these fat cells.
Liposuction, creams and wraps only temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. Without continual treatment, cellulite just reappears...So what, if anything, might actually work to reduce cellulite?
The featured article in The Guardian1 suggests body brushing. Simply give yourself a vigorous scrub-down with a dry body brush before you get into the shower, and then apply a good moisturizer afterward. (I recommend plain coconut oil opposed to chemical-laden creams). According to the writer, this simple technique “really did, honest-to-God, make a remarkable difference in just a few weeks.”
There’s certainly nothing wrong with this strategy; body brushing can help improve circulation and lymph flow, which are important elements for cellulite elimination. The downside is having to manually scrub yourself in areas that can be hard or uncomfortable to reach. Three strategies that I believe might be far more effective, in order of importance, are as follows, and in the following sections I’ll explain why:
- Intermittent fasting
- Whole body vibration training, a.k.a. Acceleration Training
- Rebound exercise