
西府来子 (热门博主)
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Insulin May Cause Death for Type 2 Diabetics

(2013-01-31 13:09:48) 下一个

ll drugs carry the risk of side effects, which is a well-known fact of health and wellness.

This is what drives many to reject the message when their doctors try to push pharmaceuticals as a method to manage chronic diseases instead of natural alternatives.

New research shows exactly how scary this can be, though. It revealed how insulin, which is supposed to help type 2 diabetes, can actually has the opposite effect and cause deadly side effects.

Researchers in Shanghai recently discovered that a startling new reason to demand natural ways to cure type 2 diabetes (and not just “manage it” with medications) is critical.

The researchers looked at health markers for over 8,500 patients who had type 2 diabetes. About 1/3 of the patients were using insulin therapy to manage their disease and the other 2/3 were not.

What they found was nothing short of alarming: Even though all the patients carried the same general risk of cancer (about 75 in 10,000), the insulin therapy group had a much higher risk of developing liver cancer specifically.

And by much higher we mean 186% higher than the non-insulin group. When looking at mortality risk, i.e. how likely patients are to die prematurely, insulin users were at almost 90% higher total mortality risk. Dying of cancer, specifically, was also worse for the insulin group, who showed an increased tendency of 116%.

Whether you use insulin to manage your type 2 diabetes or not, it is clear that to mitigate many of these preventable hazards the only permanent solution is to completely reverse the disease.

An easy, drug-free way to completely reverse diabetes in 21 days…
Source: http://blueheronhealthnews.com/site/?p=6971

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