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A Road Map to Anti-Aging Theories

(2011-10-26 13:21:57) 下一个

During recent years, advancement in technology has led to tremendous progresses in research on aging and counter-active theories for anti-aging. There are several theories that tackle the challenge of aging and explain how to minimize or rather assure longevity.

Major causes of aging are related to biological breakdowns. The failure of internal organs or cells triggers a variety of diseases and predicaments. Common known aging shortcomings are Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and cardiovascular problems. There are indeed several other age-related illnesses.

Aging theories focus mainly on creating a protection mechanism or so-called ‘Firewall’ that prevent degradation to inner cells and organs present in our biological system. In other words, theories are geared to tackle harmful biochemical processes causing symptoms of aging. The mechanism used by each theory is to tackle a specific biological process, through alteration in lifestyle, intake of medicine or dietary supplement.

The objective of aging theories is twofold. It includes slowing down the aging process and assuring a healthy lifestyle without medical quandary.

The Anti-Aging Theories that are most commonly heard and discussed:

I. General Theories On Anti-Aging

1. Cell DNA Damage
2. Oxidative Damage
3. Mitochondrial Damage
4. Tissue Glycation
5. Chronic Inflammation
6. Lipofuscin Accumulation
7. Immune System Compromise
8. Neurological Degeneration
9. Decline in Hormone Levels
10. Susceptibility to Cancers
11. Telomere Shortening and Damage
12. Susceptibility to Cardiovascular Disease
13. Stem Cell Supply Chain Breakdown
13. 2. Firewall against stem cell supply breakdown
14. Programmed Epigenomic Changes

II. Candidate Theories of Anti-Aging

15. Incorrect Protein Folding
16. Accumulation of Progrein
17. Gene Mutations Leading To Hellicase Abnormalities
18. Aberrant Mtor Signalling
19. The Hypoxic Response
20. Epigenomic changes in DNA methylation and Histone Actylation
21. Micronutrient Triage

Facts about Death
Death is not caused by ‘old age’, indeed people don’t survive above 120 years. Old age is reached after having endured constant aging and aging is the cause of death. Aging makes elders vulnerable to disorders that are developed through aging. Theories on aging try to understand why death occurs as a ‘biological clock’ as everyone will eventually die in determinate time-span.

Theories of anti-aging identify various causes of development of aging-related diseases and then propose possible protective measures ‘firewalls’. Yet, all the theories are based on valid and accurate research accumulated by scientists over years. Finding an appropriate solution to aging does not rely on a single theory, all the various perspective (theories) must be considered in a holistic manner to work in synergy rather than unitary manner.

The use of a theory at a time would be metaphorically the same as blind-man trying to identify something. A blind man might start like this, the surface is flat, it is in the air, and it has legs… to finally see the whole picture of the object, which is a table. In the same manner, each theory does gradually converge to solve the complexity of aging as a whole.

Importance of Anti-aging Theories
At this particular stage, the aim of anti-aging theories isn’t to make people totally immortal. The more direct goal is to help people to survive longer and alleviate the rise of attracting degenerative diseases that are developed with time. Actual our genetic background incline to disease, yet this area of research is still not yet fully comprehended.

The firewalls that are supported to each hypothesis of old-age-diseases are not a life-guarantee. They are rather an effort and combination of best practices based on research and empirical scrutiny.

Humans are complex in nature. Our body is understood to a certain degree and this is what has made findings and theories possible. Yet our brain is even less known. Nonetheless, research is taking new-heights in the field of anti-aging.

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