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DNA Healing, Theta Healing & Quantum Physics Create New Opportun

(2011-10-19 10:02:39) 下一个
DNA Healing? Theta Healing? What is it and what does it have to do with quantum physics and genetics? It's a huge topic so let's take it slow and learn step by step or you'll never believe it's real.

An old friend and I were having a conversation about illness, hereditary illness, genetics and the possibility of healing.

I made a radical statement that I thought, we could heal such things with our minds. It seems that quantum physics is finding is that we are not bound to the diseases, trauma and weaknesses of the generations before us. That matter is far more dynamic and interactive than we've believed it to be.

For example, some of us have believed that because breast cancer has affected a lot of the women in our families, we're at risk too. Now, I'm just using this as an example, so please don't get too literal here.

But the thought is there for some of us that if the genetics are there, the odds are stacked against us. Like trying to stop a freight train.

But what I'm hearing from the quantum physics arena is that our dna is far more responsive and may be "interactive" that what we realize.

I explained to her what I'm learning about a new field applied quantum physics therapy called Theta DNA Healing and Epigenetics as well as new applications in dowsing and other modalities.

Indigeneous cultures also practice their forms of healing which are multi-faceted and multi-dimensional often exceeding most contemporary technologies that are available today. For many reasons, Indigenous communities are protective of their knowledge and generally do not open their more intense ceremonies to outsiders, including the scientific community. And again for more reasons than should need to be shared, most indigenous cultures are secure in the power of their healing traditions and do not go to Western medical or scientific fields for validation of their ancient traditions.

Authors,Gregg Bradon and Bruce Lipton, among others are leading the conversation in this field, and often inclusive of both traditional indigenous knowledge and traditions as well as Western concepts of science, medicine and now quantum physics.

It's all gets very complex, but as I understand it, it seems that we can boil things down to a understanding of "perception and misperception". Quantum physics seems to be telling us is that we can alter what we call reality, better said, our perceptions of reality. And more specifically, our concepts of time, disease and healing.

I'm convinced it's possible and want to explore that thinking a little here. I know, I know... but hang in there with me. I know it requires a huge leap in our current thinking.

But just for a few minutes, long enough to read this article, I'm hoping you'll go beyond the 'what the bleep is she talking about'.

Just consider for a moment what it might mean to you if it were possible. Diabetes? High blood pressure? Depression? If you could heal your dna, would you?

Most of us have seen what we might call "miracle cures". Right?

So why is it we think of conditions that re "genetically predetermined" as beyond the scope of healing?

Another interesting aspect to dna memory is the concept of stored trauma. What does that mean for Native Americans who suffer from multi-generational trauma? What about Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS)? And PTSD, Post Tramautic Stress Disorder, experienced by war veterans and survivors of abuse. Research also shows that Holocaust survivors and successive generations also experience effects known as historical trauma.

Isn't it interesting how in our minds we can give credit to miracles of more specific disease or illnesses. After all we all have at least heard of people cured by laughter or by guided imagery, affirmations.

But then we speak about 'genetics' or multi-generational trauma as if it's something beyond our reach, something that we are destined to struggle with. 

DNA Healing: Dissolving the hardened arteries in our mind.

Do we think that a genetic disposition to heart disease can't be healed, because it took longer to make it happen? Or because something has existed for generations that it can't dissolve in a heart beat?

On some level we must know that's not true because in our lifetime we've seen entire Nations disappear and new cultures spring up from no where (think USSR and all of the "iron curtain" countries and their entire way of relating to the world - gone!). 


If it's possible for entire nations,however complex that must be as an "organism" if we can call it that, to cease to exist. Wouldn't it seem less complex to disintegrate more singular organisms, within our own bodies?

Might it be possible within our own cultures, within our own minds and bodies, to change something almost instantly with the power of thought?

Wouldn't that be giving the "thought of the disease" greater power than what is present in the physical body at a given time?

Or maybe it's our current concepts of time and evolution that cause the confusion in our minds.
From Discover online magazine covered this subject in an article, "Newsflash: Time May Not Exist".

"Efforts to understand time below the Planck scale have led to an exceedingly strange juncture in physics.

The problem, in brief, is that time may not exist at the most fundamental level of physical reality. If so, then what is time? And why is it so obviously and tyrannically omnipresent in our own experience? "

If scientists are having a difficulty defining time, it's no wonder that we have a hard time wrapping our heads around it. But what if we could just go to "now". Thinking about our dna being healed "now", maybe that's something that we can handle.
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