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In 1908 Dr Howard Hay after practising medicine for 16 years developed
high blood pressure, brights disease and a dilated heart. There was no
treatment available for brights disease and dilated heart so Dr Hay
decided to find a cure for his own symptoms. He focussed on his food
intake and the chemical process of digestion and the enzymes that are
essential for this process. To the amazement of his colleagues, he had
a complete remission of his symptoms in 3 months of changing his diet.
He also reduced his weight by 20kg's. Three years later, in 1911, he
introduced his Food Combining guidelines, which are also known as the
Hay Diet.

Common sense tells you that you should provide your body with the
nutrients and water that it needs to perform its functions, including
the all important maintenance of an alkaline blood pH level of 7.365.
Yet, chemists and doctors maintain that the body needs no help from a
dietary angle to mainatain an alkaline blood pH; it has an effective
buffering system based on bicarbonates and acid/alkaline diet has no
effect on this. So you can eat or drink what you like, in whatever
combination and the body will have no problems, they argue.

What do Clinical Studies suggest?

This study of "Cola beverage consumption induces bone mineralization
reduction in ovariectomized rats" (the rats were fed cola - acid, pH
2.5 - and the effects on bone density measured) suggests that calcium
from the bones is used up in maintaining an alkaline blood pH balance.
The researchers concluded: "These data suggest that heavy intake of
cola soft drinks has the potential of reducing femoral mineral

This study on the effects of alkaline ionized water on milk yield, body
weight of offspring and perinatal dam in rats tentatively concludes
that "higher calcium concentration of AKW [alkaline water] enriched the
mother, serum calcium which was transferred to the fetus through the
placenta and to the offspring through the milk."

This study on the Influences of alkaline ionized water on milk
electrolyte concentrations in maternal rats states "These data
suggested that the Ca cation of AKW enriched the Ca concentration of
the milk and accelerated the postnatal growth of the offspring of rats
given AKW"

In 1996 Dr. Lynda Frassetto at the University of California, San
Francisco, discovered that as we age, starting around age 45, we lose
the alkaline buffer bicarbonates in our blood. By the age of 90, we
lose 18% of bicarbonates in our blood. This loss was shown to be diet
induced. This is from the published abstract

"Our group has shown that contemporary net acid-producing diets do
indeed characteristically produce a low-grade systemic metabolic
acidosis in otherwise healthy adult subjects, and that the degree of
acidosis increases with age, in relation to the normally occurring
age-related decline in renal functional capacity."

Conclusion from clinical Studies

The clinical studies suggest:

1. If you drink acid drinks (like cola), the body will take calcium
from the bones and teeth to maintain pH balance
2. If you drink alkaline water this will be assimilated by your body
- ie gradually improve your bones and teeth
3. If you eat acid producing foods, over the long run it will
deplete your alkaline buffers and is a cause of acidosis.

So an alkaline diet rich in alkaline minerals and alkaline water is
helpful for body, including pH balance.

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