bamboo seven

bambooseven (热门博主)
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\' 9 1/2 weeks\' and random thoughts (图)

(2008-06-19 22:12:47) 下一个

i feel like i am a planet being sucked into a black hole right now.
there must be a destiny written for me. everything has been decided, even before i was born.
why i have to do things a certain way? why? why? i know how the story will start, going and end, why i still go for it??
i hope, this time it will be different. I will be different at least. rest of the world did not seems to change much during the past 16 something years.
I just opened the video of "9 1/2 weeks". i just was thinking about it.
A man that would not love a woman.she left. she was crying.
It is a classic. a story about this kind of relationship.
what i was wondering was, how i changed during all this time. did i even change? i want a change, please!
about 9 1/2 weeks, my American co-worker said it was a "yuppy porn" and " a piece of crap".
but i think it is not about the soft porno shots. it is about the controling and being controlled in romantic relationships.
it is happening everyday. everywhere.
we all may know that a lot of love stories are just illusions. but we love this illusion. that's why it keeps happening.
Even life is a illusion, life is a joke of God's to us.
 but sometimes we enjoy it, we find ways to enjoy it.
Oh my, what am i talking about.
Isn't romance the lightest and heaviest thing in the world?
it is Opium.
By the way, Mickey Rourke is not handsome any more, he looks like a monster now.but in this movie, he is HOT.
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