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(2010-10-30 12:49:38) 下一个

  HANGZHOU, China (AP) -- China rolled out its fastest train yet on Tuesday and announced that the Three Gorges Dam, the world's biggest hydroelectric project, is now generating electricity at maximum capacity -- engineering triumphs that signal the nation's growing ambitions as its economy booms. 


    The successes demonstrate how, after decades of acquiring technology from the west, Beijing has begun to push the limits of its new capabilities, setting the bar higher on mega-projects as it seeks to promote the image of a powerful, modern China. But many of these initiatives have come at great human and environmental cost, and some have questioned whether the country fosters a sufficiently innovative spirit to compete on the next level.


    Still in the works: more nuclear power plants, a gargantuan project to pump river water from the fertile south to the arid north, and a $32.5 billion, 820-mile (1,300-kilometer) Beijing-to-Shanghai high-speed railway that is scheduled to open in 2012.


    "We are now much faster," Railway Ministry spokesman Wang Yongping said at Tuesday's inauguration of the super-fast line from Shanghai's western suburb of Hongqiao to the resort city of Hangzhou. "Now other countries are hoping to cooperate with us."


    The train will cruise at a top speed of 220 mph (350 kph), making the 125-mile (200-kilometer) trip in 45 minutes.

    China already has the world's longest high-speed rail network and aims to more than double its length to 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometers) by 2020.



    Chinese companies are also vying for projects overseas, including in the U.S., which leads the world in freight railway technology but has almost no high-speed rail expertise. That's a mark of how well and quickly the technology has been adopted by Chinese companies, who have traditionally only been able to compete on price in bidding for railway and other basic infrastructure projects in the developing world.



    1.China currently has 10 million engineers in their universities. Man, if that breed is hatching, they will pass Japan in 5 years and us in two decades.


    2.We may no have any high speed trains but we do have a very large military.


    3.Congratulations for a very large military and your taxes well invested for future generations.Maybe they can go on vacation in Afghanistan oder Iraq some day.


    4.The large military is the on the that ensure US Dollar as the only viable mean of international trade. Otherwise you would HAVE TO work hard to earn someone else's printed money.


    5.Aah, and the need to mention "the great human and environmental cost". Like it never happens here. The Gulf Oil Spill was the cleanest oil spill EVER!!!!!!!!


    6.Greed is slowing America down. Americans need to reclaim what's theirs. Corporations will destroy America. These corporations are not even contributing to the success of this country. Everything is made in China thanks to corporate friendly policies. This is a damn shame


    7.China gets high speed rail between Beijing and Shanghai. For the same money we got a dozen B-2 bombers. But the bombers look just as cool as the train.


    8.You make it sound like it's wasted money. If Americans valued trains we would have them. They are inefficient for our country and the people.


    9.Actually the airline industry is inefficient with wasted fuel and time, thunderstorms would not delay trains. If you have ever been to Europe you would understand.


    10.Chinese companies are also vying for projects overseas, including in the U.S., which leads the world in freight railway technology but has almost no high-speed rail expertise.

    I remember when a century ago, during the Gold Rush, the chinese came to U.S. to help build the nation's infrastructure. Well, looks like nothing's changed since then?


    11。The Chinese prefer to move on ahead of their time.Thats why they have the most modern and efficient transportation system in the world. Thats why they were able to move 400 million people out of poverty in the past ten years.


    12.And we have exactly NO bullet trains in America. Shame shame shame. Here we spend billions bailing out hedge funds and invading countries in ten year wars and we ignore the fact we are falling behind technologically with the rest of the world. Shame.


    13.But we have plenty of bullets! Does that count?


    14.China did not create this technology. They are just deploying it faster and and on a bigger scale than anyone has ever imagined. They talk now of a line that will run from Beijing to Singapore. How that will change Asia!And another line along the old Silk Road, all the way to Europe. 200 MPH trains will soon be carrying far more people than airplanes. It is a more comfortable and green way to go.


    15.The chinese are building their country while we are building Afghanistan and Iraq.


    16.This is what the Chinese spent their stimulus money on. No tax cuts for the rich. Real, sustainable stimulus.


    17.Yaknow, and everyone reading this will be shocked,shocked! Socialism in China is beginning to make us USA look puny and silly.


    18.China has said they will not only BUILD the California HS rail system, but finance it

    China, Germany (Siemens) and Canada (Bombardier) are bidding for building the California HS rail system, not a single US company.



    19.This is the sort of project our recovery stimulus money should have gone towards.

    Where did that money go, anyway?


    20.I see comments by Americans on many different blogs. I am still amazed at how many people comment ''well, our military can annihilate your country in 2 hours''.

    And then they wonder why Americans are hated.


    21.While American technology keeps working an better and more efficient ways to kill people, the rest of the world forges ahead in tech for peaceful purposes.


    22.looks like a cruise missile.


    23.Maybe that'd be a way to fool the US into buying them. 


    24.China is the country of the future, in the present. Of that there is no doubt. Their harbor and rail infrastructure is the best in the world, their industrial capacity allows them to manufacture 80% of the goods on the planet, they are global leaders in the manufacturing of alternative green energy technology and they've DOUBLED their number of colleges and universities in just 10 years!


    25.The track looks pretty narrow, I wonder about the stability, will it rock and roll....or...like most other products made in China, will it seriously suck!

    那些铁轨看起来那么窄,我很怀疑它的稳定性,会不会翻车啊 就像其他大多数的中国产品那样这么差劲。

    26.Don't confuse this with the stuff you buy at Walmart. China works closely on these products with nations that have the know how like France, Germany and Japan.


    27.Cool! We should do something like that here! Oh wait... republicans insist on spending that money on tax cuts for the super rich. Sorry America.


    28.We've already paid for high speed rail in the US. It is called Iraq, Afghanistan


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