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一篇印度博客: 中国人野心勃勃, 我们却鼠目寸光

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一篇印度博客:  中国人野心勃勃,  我们却鼠目寸光

The Chinese think big, we don't
Rajesh Kalra,  19 May 2009, 03:42 PM IST
A number of readers were upset with my blogpost 'Slumdog India' because I had compared India with China and portrayed China as a nation that had its infrastructure priorities right

Readers pasted me on the comparison and held forth on China's shocking human rights record.
(读者要求我的比较重点放在中国令人震惊的人权纪录 )

I am a proud Indian and have no doubt that despite poor infrastructure, we are a better country to live in

We have the freedom to do things that would be the envy of the world, leave alone China.

But this post, unfortunately, is again a comparison between the two nations, but in a different context.

Let me get to the point straight away and look at the geopolitical aspirations of the two nations.

We all know that while we have aspirations, China has gone far ahead, and is feared and envied the world over.

A strong dose of such a feeling was administered to me last week as I cycled around the Ladakh region.

In the Changthang region of Ladakh, at 14,000 feet, there is breathtakingly beautiful Pangong Tso (Lake).
(在ladakh地区的羌塘,海拔一万四千英尺,那里有着令人屏息的美景Pangong Tso(班公湖))

Only 40% of this 130-odd-km-long lake is in India and the remainder is in Tibet (China).

Since the lake is shared between the two, it is inevitable that the forces of India and China have boat patrols too.
Now, the forces of the two nations have an unwritten understanding (as conveyed to me by a senior army officer) that since it is a peaceful region, they would not fire at each other.

So, what the two forces often indulge in is a game of cat and mouse.

They enter each other's territory, activate their opponents, and rush back to the safety of their home waters.

If you shut your eyes, you can actually imagine the Indian game of 'kabaddi'. Both sides have power boats for the task.

It is even so far, but don't pop the bubbly yet.

In any case, we have this irritating habit of popping the bubbly too soon.

wins a point in the first round of a US Open game, and we behave as if she has won the grand slam.
当Sania Mirza在美国公开赛赢得第一轮比赛的时候,我们表现得仿佛她已经赢了大满贯。

OK, that may be an exaggeration, but it surely happens when she wins a set in the first round.

But getting back to the boat patrols.

How would you imagine, this 'kabaddi' is played?

I would have imagined that our guys are sitting ready, in their hideouts, and as soon as they sense an incursion, they scramble into their power boats and chase the Chinese back.

How lovely! And the Chinese would be doing the same.

I really would have loved to see a game. Pity, neither side obliged.

Apparently, that is not how it happens, though.

I went around talking to more of our guys around, and the information was startling.

Our high-speed power boats look great, and they can move really fast on water, but, they take 30 minutes to warm up before they can chase our Chinese brethren.

We have two such boats
Of course, we have other small motor boats too belonging to the army and the border police, but they are like the ones tourists use when they go visiting a vacation destination.

Thankfully, at that altitude, not many are in the frame of mind to demand such facilities.

And how many such boats do the Chinese have?

Though villagers claim the number to be upwards of 40, the army guys acknowledge the number to be around 22.

So the ratio is 2:22, if you disregard the locals, who are normally well informed.

These locals are diehard patriots, who also proudly showed me the indelible ink mark on their fingers that they voted.

Ladakh had elections in the last phase, on May 13.
(Ladakh 在5月13号有过一次选举)

They were also aware that no such rights exist on the other side of the border.

I asked the villagers to compare our boats with the Chinese.

The honest assessment was that though our boats are fast, their boats are smaller and faster

But that is not what has caught their imagination.
Almost all of them claimed that the Chinese boats emerge out of water suddenly, at high speed, and dive back in too.

This means the Chinese are using submersible boats.

When I confronted an armyman with this claim, he pooh-pooed it: Why would they have something so expensive here? This one sentence itself made the comparison futile. We think small, they think big!


ajay says:
May 20,2009 at 05:11 AM IST
There is no comparison between India and China. China dictates the USA its term and the USA dictates its terms to us. USA bags China not to move its investments whereas we are dependent on US investment.


We are responsible for our misery because we have had lousy democratic system. Our ruling parties have done nothing in the past than to enrich themselves. Now things are changing but it is too less and bit too late.


Until our political parties start working for the country, I doubt we ever will be able to match Chinese in any field.


One more thing, we crawl in winning the medals in Olympics whereas Chinese lead the pack.


If you visit Shanghai then you will hate living in India.


Chinese held everyone accountable for their actions whereas our political parties use CBI to settle score with each other.

I can give thousands of examples to prove that they are superior to us but I will leave it to your imagination.


People who never left the country would not understand it and they will always talk about our culture, heritage and democratic system which is nothing but a farce.


Poor people in India cannot file a FIR if they want to register a case against powerful person. This makes me wonder what type of democratic world do we live in.


I think leaving in denial will never make our country better so lets accept the fact and start building a better India.


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Jaideep Rawal says:
May 20,2009 at 05:21 AM IST
Dear All,
I live in Shanghai and am amazed at the rate of growth and development... China seems be on a mission to be superior to US... They have benchmarked themselves against the best and they are moving in right direction...All their deeds are aimed at showing to the world of its might... be it Beijing olympics or to be coming shanghai expo 2010... Their mantra had always been creating more infrastructure than required...
We can only claim two things to be superior currently but they are catching up...They are human capital and IT...


In china, There is a huge amount of investment which has gone into IT..They are inviting companies to come to china, providing them free infrastructure, tax holiday and are giving huge subsidies for IT development pool in china... Today all indian companies like TCS, infy, satyam, wipro,cognizant etc have benefitted from china's special status to IT...


Human capital is one thing where we still seems to be have an edge... We need to sustain that advantage through continuous investment in education of our YOUTH..


I still firmly believe that India is a great nation and we on course to become a world power... but we have lot of catching up to do... Lets give it our best shot


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Madhav says:
May 20,2009 at 06:17 AM IST
Dear All,
I cant but agree more with people who have posted comments criticising India. Democracy in India is a poor example of democracy; China is a socialist success. When one looks at the political leadership of China, there seems to be a global vision - progress, competetion and development. Indian leadership always lacks a national vision.


China is working through their socio-economic problems and moving rapidly up on different development indices.


India is still caught in who said what when, who is who and all the unimportant stuff


I live in the US and on national media, one hardly ever hears of India - as if it is taken for granted and of no consequence. China is ever-present in the news. In China it is every man for china; In India it is every man for himself.


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