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谷歌译:8 月 4 日,乌克兰选手雅罗斯拉娃·马胡奇克在女子跳高决赛中越过横杆。马胡奇克在决胜局中获胜,因为她在整个比赛中跳高失败次数最少。“我终于拿到了这枚金牌,”这位卫冕世界冠军在回顾她在东京获得的铜牌时说道。“我很期待下一场比赛。”卡梅伦·斯宾塞/盖蒂图片社
CNN注:Yaroslava Mahuchikh of Ukraine clears the bar during the women's high jump final August 4. Mahuchikh won the event on a tiebreaker for having the fewest failed jumps throughout the competition. “Finally, I got this gold medal,” the defending world champion said, reflecting on her bronze medal from Tokyo. “I’m looking forward to the next competition.” Cameron Spencer/Getty Images