2022 (4)
2024 (94)
这一天,小冲浪有一个新问题:“Daddy, is coal expensive or cheap?”
哇,娃开始关心价钱了,是个好事哈。老大我就说,“Coal is not expensive and can be cheap.”
“How can coal be cheap?”小冲浪的好奇心棒棒的。
“For some open-pit coal mines, the coal is just lying there on the ground, waiting for an excavator to dig it up and put it in a dump chuck. This way, the coal can be 'dirt cheap'.”老大我解释。
“Oh, coal can be 'dirt cheap'.”小冲浪说,若有所悟。
改天,小冲浪翻到他的一本书,上面有讲到一些biofuel,他很高兴地跟我说,“Daddy, biochar is 'tree cheap'!”
我听到了,想起来前些天聊'dirt cheap'来着,知道咱小冲浪又在练习举反了,就表扬他说,“Good phrase - tree cheap!”