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小冲浪的书里,居然有太阳能电池板,即solar panels,这着实让老大我羡慕不已哈。
“Daddy,”这天,小冲浪又来跟老大我讲他的新主意,“Super Buddies have invented lunar panels!”
“Oh, lunar panels,”老大我继续当我的捧哏,“what can they do?”
“Just like solar panels,”小冲浪耐心地跟我解释,“but, instead of converting sunshine into electricity, lunar panels convert moonlight into electricity.”
“Well,”老大我要证明咱是专业的捧哏,“Moonlight is very faint and doesn't have enough energy. That's a problem. Do you want to hear daddy's great idea?”
“How about Super Buddies invent 'lunar solar panels', which are solar panels but installed on the surface of the moon?”老大我一边介绍老大我的主意,一边确保小冲浪在听而且听懂了, “This way, when Super Buddies or some other astronauts go to the moon, they have electricity!”
“Great idea!”小冲浪貌似也get到要怎么当捧哏了,“These are 'lunar solar panels', and 'lunar panels' for short!”