2022 (4)
2024 (94)
了解了一下,我们觉得国际红十字会(International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)不错。他们的行动计划里,不仅有短期的抢险赈灾,也有长期的帮助支持。而且他们刚刚开始一个为期十二个月的筹款行动,目标是两千万某外币,大约一千九百万美元或一千两百万欧元。
所以我们最后就捐到了国际红十字会的网站。下面是自动回复,“冲浪潜水员”是我给换的:) 这回复看着就象小学时候的奖状,是一种鼓励,所以拿来挂在这“网上的家”的墙上。现在我们的财力有限,希望以后可以给的更多吧。
Dear 冲浪潜水员,
Please accept our heartfelt appreciation for your contribution in support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
The International Federation and its 181 member National Societies are committed to assisting the world's most vulnerable people through programmes in disaster response, disaster preparedness and health and community care activities. We depend on people like you to be able to provide effective and sustainable aid, and your donation will help us to truly make a difference in the lives of our beneficiaries.
On behalf of our 97 million Red Cross and Red Crescent members and volunteers around the world who are joined together through the shared value system of the power of humanity, welcome to the International Federation's family of friends and supporters.
Again, thank you for your kindness and generosity.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies