WallJosephine,1947年出生在英国,从小就喜欢绘画,并清楚她将来会成为一名画家。她的第一就业在离开艺术学院以后是在Poole..."> WallJosephine,1947年出生在英国,从小就喜欢绘画,并清楚她将来会成为一名画家。她的第一就业在离开艺术学院以后是在Poole..." /> : :天国的精灵 : : - 博客 | 文学城


我的心里有个角落 在等着你的出现

: :天国的精灵 : :

(2008-12-31 05:45:56) 下一个

 by 南岚

Wall Josephine ,1947年出生在英国,从小就喜欢绘画,并清楚她将来会成为一名画家。她的第一就业在离开艺术学院以后是在Poole 瓦器。她的绘画深受超现实主义画派的影响,充满着梦幻般的想象力,仿佛拥有神秘的力量,世界各地有名的画廊里都有她的作平,深受观众们的喜爱。

English artist Josephine Wall has been passionate about art since she was four years old. Now a respected artist, Josephine paints with a lively imagination and romanticism that escort her audience into a world of magical dimension. With hidden images and great detail, each painting reveals worlds within worlds which transport the viewer to places of ethereal beauty.

Josephine's inspiration for her mystical images comes from her close observation of nature and her interest in its preservation. Though she often strives to impart a message in her scenes, she also hopes to inspire her audience to take a personal journey into the magical world of their own imagination. Josephine lives in a cottage in Poole, England, where she has created over four-hundred magnificant paintings to delight worldwide collectors.


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