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A woman and toddler wash off in Waimanalo. A half hour's drive from Honolulu, the city is surrounded by suburbs and white-sand beaches. 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。一位妇女和学部行走的孩子冲洗身体在靠近Waimanalo。半小时的架车从火奴鲁鲁,这城市围绕的近郊和白沙滩。
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A half-hour drive from the capital city of Honolulu, Waimanalo feels like another planet. Set along these white-sand beaches, the village of Waimanalo is a three-mile (4.83-kilometer) stretch of houses, shops, and parks that serves a small population of 9,057 residents. 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。半小时架车从火奴鲁鲁城市,Waimanalo感到像是另外一个行星。设定沿着这些白沙海滩,那村庄Waimanalo是一个三英里(4.83公里)伸长的房屋,商店,和公园其服务一个很少的人口9057居民。
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A bikini-clad woman dives into a lagoon. 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。一位妇女穿比基尼泳装跳水进入一处礁湖。
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With 3,219 kilometers (1,996 miles) of coastline, Thailand offers many unspoiled beaches with crystal-clear waters 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。具有3519公里的海岸线,泰国提供许多不曾损坏的海滩和水晶透明的水域。
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"Unlike most Florida resort communities, Daytona Beach attracts more visitors in summer than in winter. Daytona bills itself as the world's speed center. The 23-mile [37-kilometer] strip of sand, so hard that cars can drive safely at surf's edge, has witnessed many automobile speed tests. Records up to 276 miles [444 kilometers] an hour were attained on the once sparsely settled strand. But rapid beachfront development has forced stock- and sports-car racing to the southern end." 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。不同于许多佛罗里达的娱乐场,Daytona海滩吸引更多的观光客在夏日多于冬天。Daytona贴广告说它自己是世界的速度中心。沙滩的临时跑到有23英里(37公里)很坚固那些小汽车能安全驾驶在拍岸浪的边缘,已经证明很多汽车做过速度测试。有记录可超过276英里(444公里)/每小时达到在那一度稀少稳定的海滨道路。但是高速发展在海滩前已经停止,运动汽车赛到南端停止。
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Taking its name from the telegraph cable that connected the Australian city of Broome to the island of Java in Indonesia, Cable Beach is renowned for its beauty and surf. 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。获得它的名字来自通信电缆,它连接澳大利亚的布鲁姆市到印尼的爪哇岛,海滨电缆是著名的由于它的美丽和浪花。
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"Sun-baked mermaids at Honolulu's celebrated beach line up their surfboards just before a swift dash on the crest of a curling wave." 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。“太阳焙烤美人鱼在火奴鲁鲁岛的驰名的海滩线竖起她们的冲浪板之前,刚刚有一次急速的冲创在到达浪峰的卷曲波浪。
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A naked boy stands at the turquoise blue edge of the South Pacific in French Polynesia. This island paradise is a haven for European tourists, but its natives have long been troubled with feelings of antipathy over 150 years of French rule. 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。一个裸体的男孩站在湛蓝色的南太平洋的法属波利尼西亚岛的边缘。这个天堂岛是一个为欧洲人旅游胜地,但是它的土著居民长期麻烦感到厌恶超过150年的fa guo统治。
| | |  | "Weekend swimmers throng Atlantic City's beach. Lifeguards rescue some 1,200 bathers each summer. Convention Hall stands at left; Steel Pier juts into the sea at right." 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。周末假期游泳的人们蜂拥而至大西洋市的海滨。每年夏天救生员救护约1200入浴者。集会大厅在左侧,钢制的码头在海的右侧。
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White sand beaches, clear blue water, and ideal temperatures have made Thailand's Phuket Island a tropical paradise for visitors. Phuket is Thailand's largest island, located in the Andaman Sea, and its idyllic conditions have made tourism one of the pillars of its economy. Ten years after this photograph was taken, Phuket Island suffered severe damage from a massive tsunami triggered by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean in December 2004. Thai officials have begun a years-long program to rebuild Phuket and lure back visitors. 意译:烧灼的夏日每日图片。白沙滩,透明蓝色海水,和理想的温度使得泰国的普吉岛一处热带天堂提供旅游者。普吉岛是泰国的最大的岛屿,定位于安达曼海,它有田园诗的条件使得旅游业一个顶梁柱的经济收入。十年前在拍过这幅照片之后,普吉岛受到重创来自一次巨大的海啸触发,发生在2004年12月发生印度洋大地0震.。泰国的官员开始一年的重建安排并且吸引游客再来。
| | |  | June 22, 2008 Woman and Dog, Newport, Rhode Island, 2003 Photograph by Bob Krist A woman and her dog walk on a beach at low tide in Newport, Rhode Island. Each year, this small city of 27,000 residents attracts some 200,000 vacationers, who come to lounge on the beach, take in the resort town's extensive history, and get a look at the many beachfront mansions that have made Newport famous. 意译:女人和狗,纽波特,罗德岛,2003年。 一位女人和她的狗走在海滩上当低潮汐时在纽波特,罗德岛。每年,这小城市仅有居民27000人却吸引20万度假者,漫步在海滩,获得该镇的多方面的历史,还能一睹海滨前的许多豪宅那些使纽波特成为大名鼎鼎。 引自:“美国国家地理杂志”,当天的图片。(2008-6-22)
| | |  | Lions are threatened throughout most of their African range. But nowhere is their condition as perilous as in Kenyan Maasailand, where this large male was photographed. Lions there, which number less than 150, are under imminent threat of extinction from Maasai herdsmen thought to be retaliating against prides who prey on their cattle. 意译:大猫科动物图片。狮子是恐吓整个非洲的动物排名榜之首。但是到处都没有它们的危险情况像在肯尼亚的Maasailand,那里的雄狮是印象深刻的。狮子在这里其数量不到150只,已经到了濒临灭绝的危险从Maasai牧人思考到报复对抗自傲有谁会愿意牺牲他们的牛羊。
| | |  | Two young male lions lie in the grass of Botswana's Okavango Delta. A pride of lions may be headed by a single male or a coalition of up to seven males who cooperatively defend the group's territory. 意译:大猫科动物图片。两只年轻的雄狮卧在草地上那是博茨瓦纳的Okavango三角洲。一个自傲的狮子可能是首领的单只雄狮或是一个联盟的七只雄性共同防卫这群体的领地。
| | |  | Three female lions and a pair of cubs rest in the grass in Botswana's Okavango Delta. Females remain with a pride for life and often have to defend their cubs from males, who will kill young lions when taking over another male's territory. 意译:大猫科动物图片。三只雌狮和一对幼兽休息在草地位于博茨瓦纳的Okavango三角洲。雌狮保持自傲为生活和经常注意保护幼兽来自雄狮的侵犯,雄狮将会杀害年轻的狮子当幼兽越过其它雄狮的领地。
| | |  | A female lion in Botswana's Okavango Delta stretches as other members of the pride lounge nearby. Pride size can range from 2 to 18 females and cubs, all related to one another. 意译:大猫科动物图片。一只雌狮在博茨瓦纳的Okavango三角洲倾注全力如其他成员的自傲在附近。自傲的真相能排列从2-18只雌性和幼兽,全部有关系的是其他的一个。
| | |  | An adult male lion walks through grasslands in Botswana's Okavango Delta. Biologists think one of the reasons males evolved their impressive manes was to provide neck protection during fights. 意译:大猫科动物图片。一只成年的雄狮行走在草原在博茨瓦纳的Okavango三角洲。生物学家思考一个理由雄性的发展它们的印象深刻的鬃毛是为了提供颈部的保护当发生斗殴时。
| | |  | About twice the size of the average house cat, the dappled fur of the ocelot serves as camouflage in the jungles of South and Central America. 意译:大猫科动物图片。大约平均两倍大小的家猫,那斑纹软毛的豹猫度过和伪装在丛林于南部和中部美洲。
| | |  | Mountain lions do not like to share their territory and are constantly on the lookout for invaders. 意译:大猫科动物图片。栖息在山地上的狮子不喜欢分享它们的领地和持续地注意入侵者。
| | |  | A mother Bengal tiger and her cub rest in the tall grass of a meadow. Tiger cubs remain with their mothers for two to three years before dispersing to find their own territory. 意译:大猫科动物图片。一只孟加拉虎妈妈和她的幼兽休息在高大的草地。老虎幼兽停留在它们的妈妈需要2-3年在它们能够自己寻找自己的领地。
| | |  | Sharp eyesight and raw speed (faster than any other land mammal) make the cheetah a formidable hunter. 意译:大猫科动物图片。锐利的视力和本能的快速(其速度快于其他哺乳动物)使得印度豹成为可怕的猎杀者。
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