

(2008-03-13 12:36:05) 下一个

来源: 千金一笑 于 08-03-13 06:09:28

今天我和他因为工作上的事情在书房起了争执。他的母亲(在我的邀请下)正在我们家visit。结果我们争执了一会,他起身离开,结果半小时之后他继续回书房上网。我觉得怎莫今天晚饭还没好,就去厨房看了看,(他母亲在我们这也帮我们做中餐)他母亲已洗完碗了!她说他们已经吃完晚饭了!!can you believe it!!! 居然没有叫我吃饭!!!!what kind of family is this???!!!! my parents would never do such things never ever ever!!!! even if he and I had any or even huge argument, my parents will never ever ever ever not calling him for dinner, or not forcing me to go call him for dinner!!!!!!! In fact, if we had fights, my parents would be even more polite and considerate toward him for he is their in-law not their own son. His mother saw me in the kitchen, and AFTER I found out they ate already, said to me that she wanted to go get me for dinner but he stopped her and ask her to let me cool down by myself!!! So he told her we had an argument, and trying to get her on his side!? Can\'t understand these two people at all!

Similar things happened in other areas of life when it comes to the presence of his family members, it\'s not this one incident that bothered me so much, it\'s a series of things, that shows me that his family culture is completely wrong--or what we Chinese would call Bu Dong Shi or not sensible. I just want to stop having anything to do with people of such breed! I can stand the fact that I\'m at least 5 times better looking than him, I can stand the fact that I\'m making the same or more money than him, I can stand the fact that he\'s not very romantic, I can stand the fact that he picks his teeth like crazy after eating...etc, but I can\'t stand his family\'s culture. want a divorce, JM men, please tell me, is this a scary or crazy thought??????? Am I crazy wanting a divorce because of these type of things????? Am I really going crazy????!!!! help please!

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yijibang 回复 悄悄话 清官难断家务事。儿子在母亲面前都是要表现自己的妈妈是最伟大滴。妈妈嘛,觉得自己的儿子也是天下最大的。媳妇算啥?所以,不找您吃饭是自然的事情,况且,是妈妈自己做的饭。当然这是不对的。但是,您要他们母子承认错误,那是做梦。为这件事情离婚,说不定下一个先生和他的妈咪也是如此。那怎么办?记住,我们往往都是拿自己去期望别人。每个家庭不一样,所以不必期望每个家庭都像您家一样的懂事。一个聪明的女人是不动气,平心静气的来治理,管理男人。再差的男人,只要有了一个聪明的女人调理,都是会上轨道的。记住,要软硬兼施,眼睛放亮一点。这是您们两个人的家庭。想办法做一个好的经理,把他们母子好好的manage.聪明的您,应该有这个信心的。祝您好运,马到成功。