Ice cream and Books

mint ice cream and picture books - my favorites

也是玩具 2005-10-4

(2009-05-03 02:27:29) 下一个
Catalog Shopping.

Last Thursday
After diner, my son found a catalog in front door. It is all about toys. He read thru cover-to-cover. Then he showed me one page:”I want this this, this and this.” (toystogrowon site->Pretend play, #361, #473, and #984) I said:” You can pick one and mom buy it for your birthday.” He said:” I want all of them.” I pointed out that his classroom has #984 that he can play everyday at school. And we have many horses at house now. But if he behaves, I would consider since his birthday is coming.

Friday on the way home
On the way to school, he still talks about the three sets. And when I pick him up, he asked if we could go to buy them. 他说,今天Circle-time我没有和Jo-Jo说话,妈妈给我买。 I told him we need to fill the form in the catalog, and send it out, etc. He was confused. He was sick that day, and fell sleep in the car with fever on our way back miserably. He woke up in middle, and screamed: “Mommy, let’s go and buy that one.” Then fell back to fever and sleep. Poor little thing!

Friday at home
到家给孩子吃药, 看他生病的样子,我心当然就软了。他发照小烧在一边等着,我赶紧上网找玩具,那时他决定只要#361。 我填表交钱, 然后和他说,妈妈买好了,我们可以去睡觉了。儿子不肯,做再由计算机的房间,说要等玩具从机子里出来。我赶紧解释过程,告诉他,在很远的地方,(可能要坐飞机去才能到的地方。)有个叔叔会看见妈妈填的表,交的钱,就从他的仓库里找到玩具,开车到飞机场,送上飞机,飞机飞起来,飞到我们这儿。然后邮递员叔叔拿到玩具从到我们家。然后回敲门,“Knock,Knock, 你的玩具来了。“这要好几天的时间。儿子嚎啕大哭,说叔叔不会把玩具送上飞机,他会说,你昨天刚买了动物的拼图,不给买动物园的玩具。后又大哭,说,叔叔开车不会去飞机场,会把玩具带回家玩。我好生安慰,终于不哭。

I went out to shopping to Michael’s to get some crafts materials for his B-day party. I came home, told him I bought crafts for his B-day. He mis-understood me, exclaimed with happiness, told his dad I bought the zoo-set for him. When he figured out, the smile faded slowly. I opened one box immediately and let him play. And FELT AWEFUL.

I got email that the set had been shipped out and it cost me $39 with shipping & handling + tax. It is in California.


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