Ice cream and Books

mint ice cream and picture books - my favorites

分享儿子的成长 2005-9-30

(2009-05-03 02:26:18) 下一个
感谢大家讨论spanking method the other day. I think I will try other discipline methods first in future. Actually I think spanking is more for younger kids (2-3-4), and the older they grow the less or even not necessary to spank them.

My son is going to be 3 in next month. I can’t believe I do have a little guy at home now. I didn’t get chance to reply other posts about the kid birthday. Happy Birthday to all October kids.

My son claims he is a big boy now. He wants to do everything himself, putting on shoes, shorts, t-shirts, jackets (trying), buckle himself in car seat. He is so proud of his capabilities and shows off them every chance. Of course, leaving house is much longer process now. And I have to be patient and let him do most things himself. His comments are:” I’m a big boy!” Also:”妈妈还以为我是baby呢” I used to call him ‘silly-billy, silly goose, silly bee, etc.’, now he would correct me:” I’m not silly-[whatever]. I’m a big boy!’ Other comments include: “Big boy 睡觉要妈妈”. He is a younger one in his class, but it seems he is quite confident.

He is surprised me asking questions like:” Where do penguins live?” “Does penguin have fur?” And the other day, I told him elephant is a jungle animal, (I’m not sure.) He said no, elephant is “草”的那个animal. Then I asked “Grassland?” he said: “Yes” After he got home, he took out one book, and showed me that elephant is in grassland page. And today when we crossed the bridge, he categorized that rowboat, killer whale and fish live in water. People can’t. I told him he need to learn swimming to be in water. He said he is scared.

I’m really amazed how my little baby is growing.

Sorry I typed English, since it is much faster and I’m busy today.
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