
end of the world 之被人挖头的时候

(2008-10-20 04:38:04) 下一个
挖头=get in a head cheack

第一次被挖头的时候是很难过的,i was dizz,fowlling down in the fllow.那是我不知道的时候被挖的,it is belong on spical police\'s job. when they like to cheack, u have no idea, alot of people deson\'t know, so i get to say something at here.

after ur head got a normal police cheak, 你脑袋里面会空空一片,什嬷也不会再有了,a kind of people can cheack ur head, but only normal police can do that real good.

if a bad people cheacked ur head many many times u will getting stupid. 健忘的,反应迟钝的,很多人痴痴呆呆的,都是因为被不负责任的,bad people cheacked head too much and everytime they can inside a kind of bad stuff to u.

挖脑袋很多人都知道,都以为是police 挖的,all smart kids,/good students/ 被bad people /冒充police 用很古老的stuff早该被淘汰的,/对人脑伤害很大的一个早死了800年的医生的发明,/cheacked too many times以后,/变成了白痴傻子。。。。。/不能finish study,/有的连生活都不能自理。/i can not finish any study/ beacuse /thoese kind of stupide cheacks /still working on my head .

更加crazy 的事情real happened on my city/.i just know /just found, someone stupides 将一块金属芯片/通过手术/inside 这些人的的左右脑之间,不知道用途,只知道他们疯的一塌糊涂,how crazy de 一个head.(it is a remanding voice.)

这些人因为carried 这样一个被魔鬼fix过的脑袋/。so stupid 的bother着me./i am still alive beacuse i got what is wrong .
i am here telling ur what is wrong on ur head so crazied./all of them 88888888直到死去,死去,死去,/这样的死亡already a week. how many of u dead already?

difficult to say. we only have to watching then nothing!

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