
Nurture or Natural

(2008-09-27 21:23:52) 下一个

銀行冧檔,基金危危岌,股票死曬火,奶粉又晤食得,選出個工黨省府,雖然似扁叔被查係咪洗黑錢,弊在無幾年就搞出個大頭佛,10幾億赤字,你都晤好話晤心寒。唉,貪同蠢都係罪無可恕傢啦。乜都做晤到,乜都晤想做,不如煮落煲番薯粥,sit back and relax,翻出一曡詩......

話説這男孩寫這些詩時才9嵗,父母在他不到2嵗時就離異,他跟著母親和外婆過,他母親后來再經歷過跟一異族男人定婚,分離;再與一囯人結婚,並生下一女,又離異……,這麽多年,他的親生父親從未有探視過他(雖然都一直生活在同一城市),也沒有負擔過一分作父親的責任。驚異于世上居然有冷漠如斯的親子関係之餘,我暗自慨嘆他的童年一定過得不快樂。可恰恰是他,卻在讀書方面表現出特殊才能,尤其在詩文方面,有著出人意表的表現。有次,他一連幾天詩興大發,寫了好幾首詩。他媽拿給我看的時候,都激動得有點發抖:“我真沒想到一個9 嵗的孩子會有這些思想。”《my brilliant though》,《my mum》,《trees》,《brown》,《dreams and nightmakres》。 

我家的孩子還在bed time西遊記。

都知道眼裏沒淚,霊魂裏沒彩虹。可這彩虹,是Nurture 還是 Natural? 造化會把它的餅分的均勻?

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Brown is the colour of the autumn chills, responsibility and coffee spills.

Brown is the barren land of anguish swathed in smears of crevices and tears.

Brown can be meandering, optimistic and sauntering. Brown is a combination of strength, courage and wisdom.

Brown is a hawk, bear and a mare soaring and roaring, galloping and gathering.

Brown is the colour of an enriched tree trunk swirling and lining up as phenomenal Patterns.

Brown is the colour that sizzles just before turning black. Brown is a colour of trust, fairness and independence.

Brown is ubiquitous, miraculous and ridiculous.  Brown is gentle yet wild; brooding yet harmless; new yet ancient Brown is the vivid eye of the lion.



Dreams are situated in a breathless castle in the sky, where everything is a      flight of imagination.

Dream desire a drowsy mind to be without delay brought.

Dreams will bite for the best bag of berries.

Dreams will beg for a raven red cherry.

Dreams can shift into any possible thing.

A trumphone boisterously ringing or a slizard moving stealthily.

Nightmares slaughter dreams in one wistful slash.

Conceal the carcass in a serene home to reborn again as a gruesome thought.

Nightmares speculate realms like lost souls probing for a vacant mind.

Nightmares fill people with dread and chill them to the bone.

Nightmares crawl in the least expected places.

Nightmares will comprise no compassion and will assail anyone.










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