

(2008-03-19 23:25:26) 下一个

That was absolutely beautiful. At no other time has anyone put the true problems of America into more perfect words, and addressed these important topics as eloquently and articulately as Obama has. This is why he has my support, this is why he should be the next president of the United States. He is the only one unafraid to face the deep seeded problems in American society, and fix them for future generations.
PedroMeuca (7 hours ago)

Nice speech, Lewis Hamilton! ;D

Obama for president! f*ck you Bush!
DangerBigToe (7 hours ago)

WOW! So true, this country was build up by countless types of people! I don\'t care if someone is white, black, blue, red or yellow, as long as they are honest, truthful, hard working and want to see us move forward, then I don\'t care about outside color! Remember, we ALL bleed red! Our childrens future at this point looks shady at best, where was this great man 8 yrs ago?!?! We need a change and Obama could do it!! GOD BLESS!!
vincent7520 (7 hours ago)

This speech may well remain in American History books along with those who had a vision such as Kennedy, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jefferson, John Brow, Wilson, Monroe, Adams, and so on ...
Actually in my life I never heard a speech as powerful since JFK.
shanezey (7 hours ago)

Goulden21 (7 hours ago)

jmobijohn (7 hours ago)

Man I just teared up a bit lol, I feel like I\'m a part of history right now and I hope we as a country don\'t miss the chance to elect a person who not only personifies what we as a nation really are but someone who can bring about true change in our politics as a whole.
vlloyd50 (7 hours ago)

I think a man that has this type of loyality to a man whose views are different from his is a man that I want to represent me when he is dealing with leaders of other countries. Barack is a man that will listen to views other than his own and that is the type of leadership this country has been missing
amynyez (7 hours ago)

Barack Obama is brilliant, he would make a great president.
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