2008 (36)
补一个依依猜出的答案,很有理!: 4)吉庆有余(走...
公布答案如下: 1)世态炎凉 2)视窗九五 3)步步...
西风入袂舞红袖, 我心依依思悠然。 福泽语燕衔珠玉...
修改, 还有意思呢 西风飘飘舞红袖 (衣袂飘飘) ...
原来是7言的, 明白了 西风玉骨舞红袖 我心依依思...
最后一句: 瑞雪片片飞兆年
雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离,没见真人兽, 安能辨你是雌...
somewhere over the rainbow way up high there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true someday i wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me where troubles smelled like lemon drops way above the chimney topsthat's where you'll find mesomewhere over the rainbowblue birds flybirds fly over the rainbow why thenoh why can't i?if happy little blue birds fly beyong the rainbow why can't i ? ……大家新春快乐,鼠年吉祥!——by 玉珠:))