花了一个下午的时间..终于给所有在Contact list上的人发了一遍”圣诞祝福”Email..尽管在发的过程中..有几封邮件被退回..引起心中那丝丝伤感情结..想啊,不知这些信箱的主人是否一切安好?..唉,只有在心底里默默地祝福他们了..但百分之九十的人都还健在..使得自己最终很开心能将自己的这”节日的祝愿”送出去..
每到年末的时候..许多人都会将自己在这旧的一年所有的大小事情加以总结一番..例如,有一朋友说,已去了教堂..在上帝的面前,向上帝作了年终汇报了,并制定了新年规划..还有朋友送来了她的感慨..说在2008年里..” 2008最大的收获是认识了你们,并一同经历了许多难忘的时光。祝大家新的一年事事顺利,健康快乐。
Dear Friends
I have a list of folks I know,
All written in a book;
And every year at Christmas time,
I go and take a look.
And that is when I realize,
That these names are a part,
Not of the book they're written in,
But of my very heart.
For each name stands for someone
Who has touched my life sometime;
And in that meeting they've become,
The "Rhythm in each Rhyme."
And while it sounds fantastic
For me to make this claim,
I really feel I am composed,
Of each remembered name.
And while you may not be aware
Of any special link,
Just meeting you has shaped my life
A lot more than you think.
For once that you have known someone,
The years cannot erase,
The memory of a pleasant word,
Or of a friendly face.
So never think my Christmas cards
Are just a mere routine,
Of the names upon a list,
Forgotten in between.
For when I send a Christmas card
That is addressed to you,
It is because you're on that list,
Of folks I'm indebted to.
And whether I have known you
For many years or few,
In some way you have had a part
In shaping things I do.
So every year when Christmas comes,
I realize anew ...
One of the biggest gifts that God can give
Is knowing folks like you!
祝朋友们:圣诞快乐!新年好! Merry Christmas to you and your families! May your day and year be filled with lots of love, happiness and good cheer!
Lots of Love to you all,
From Yingzi