

(2008-11-21 00:42:54) 下一个


Years ago, there used to be a TV in my bedroom.  From time to time, I would watch the late night news before drifting into sleep.  More often than not, following those evenings of watching the news, bits and pieces of the news would somehow wind up in my dreams.  Unfortunately, most of the news on TV was negative, depressing and even violent, a fact I didn’t recognize at the time.  I remember getting up one morning feeling tired and disturbed following a dream that involved a fire scene; I then recalled that the last thing I did before falling asleep was watching an evening news report of an apartment building catching on fire.   That was the day I moved the TV out of the master bedroom.

I realized on that day that just like I strive to feed myself healthy and nutritious food to keep my physical body healthy, I need to be equally vigilant about the kind of food I feed my mind and soul.

The information one absorbs from the environment on a daily basis is like mental “food” that is fed to the mind and soul.  This mental “food” can come in the forms of media news, books one reads, phone conversation with a friend, chit chats with a co-worker and so on.   How many of us have actually paid attention to the quality of the information we take in and whether these messages contribute to our sense of well-being? How much of the information you allow yourself to be exposed to is positive and how much of it is negative?  Have you ever paid attention to how you feel after reading a newspaper article or after a conversation with someone?  Do you feel excited, happy, touched, or do you feel drained, irritated or worried?

In the days of economic downturn like the one we are experiencing at the moment, it is hard to read the newspaper without coming across headlines of layoffs, company bankruptcies and busted real estate markets, splashing across the front page.  It doesn’t take much to be drawn into such doom and gloom mentality.   Negativity breeds more negativity.  One would indeed believe that the world is going down the toilet after reading enough of such dire reports, coupled with more “bad news” stories from friends, neighbours, colleagues and other sources.   How can one not feel fearful, worried and hopeless when one allows oneself to be excessively exposed to such an overwhelming amount of negativity?

I am not advocating that we should stop taking in information altogether and bury our heads in the sand so we don’t hear any bad news.  The question is how much is enough? How does it help you to hear, read or even contribute one more piece of information that is just the same that everything is going downhill?  It is important to notice how one’s attitude has been affected by dwelling on all this.

Information is a double-edged sword: it can be useful, and it can also be harmful.  Repeated exposure to the same information becomes part of your thoughts and beliefs, your thoughts and beliefs then impact your emotions, and those emotions in turn influence your attitude in life.  One of my all-time favourite quotes from Mahatma Gandhi beautifully illustrates this chain reaction of how one’s thoughts can turn into one’s destiny:

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny. 

                        - Mahatma Gandhi

Take good care of our mind and soul by feeding it positive, uplifting and nourishing thoughts.  We can take control of our own thoughts by first of all, recognizing and weeding out excessive and harmful negativity.  We can also choose the kind of attitude we want to have in life.  In the face of uncertainty, we can choose to be fearful or optimistic.  If becoming worried and anxious can solve all our problems, then I’d be the first one to sign up to become a perpetual worrier; however, I know that is as unlikely as proving the earth is the centre of the universe.

Economy isn’t everything and the sky is not falling; when all is said and done, we can look upon this uncertain period as another growth experience.  Life is to be lived, not feared.



几年前,我在主卧室里放了一个电视机, 以便于睡觉前看一些夜间新闻之类的节目。没多长时间后,我发现临睡前看的这些新闻常常会零零星星地出现在我的梦里。当时,我并没有意识到大多数的媒体新闻总是在报告一些消极,令人压抑,甚至是暴力性的消息。不久后的一个早晨,尽管有了一夜充沛的睡眠,我起床后仍然觉得特别的疲乏和困扰,因为那晚我一宿都在做一个关于火灾的梦。我想起前一天晚上的夜间新闻报告的是一个关于本市一幢公寓着火的新闻。那天下班后,我把电视机搬出了主卧。


我们每天在周围的环境中吸收的信息就好比一种精神和心灵上的“食物”。这种“食物”可以是来源于新闻媒体,或者是从书里学到的东西,也可以来自于和朋友或者同事闲聊时的交流。我们有没有关心过这种被自己吸收的信息的质量如何?我们有没有观察过自己一天听到,读到,看到,或者想到的东西是积极乐观的还是消极悲观的?这种交流和吸收对自己的身心健康有没有益处? 当我们读完了一篇文章或者和别人交流完毕后,我们有没有注意到自己的感觉和情绪如何?我们是觉得高兴,快乐,感动,还是觉得恼怒,焦虑还是担忧?






-         圣雄甘地






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