(2007-12-28 20:00:10)
-- 2008 做为身在职场监狱中的您, 有一件事您一定要做, 那就是:
-- If you think you didn't deliver what your boss required in 2007, then what you should do is: 多同您的老板聊聊. Find out what is his expectations to you, and you say: I will do my best to meet your requirement.
-- If you think you are technically very strong and your boss may afraid of you (or dis like you), then what you should do is: 多同您的老板聊聊. Tell him your idea about the project, and in the following project meeting (or whereever you get the chance) you say: Followed boss's great idea (Yes, say Boss's idea even peol all knowing it is your idea), I made bla-bla-bla progress.