
interesting in all kinds of investment in Canada and USA

three properties bought in three different ways

(2013-09-07 21:39:02) 下一个
I was very impressed when I visited my first property in Orlando last year,2012. There are so many nice houses for short sale or foreclouse. I want to buy anyone whenever I got inside the house. We have to pay 6-8 times more here in Vancovuer for same type.
First one I bought was a short sale. I only looked at picture and discussed it with my agent who is very dedicated person. It's hard learning process which I was very scared at beginning. The price which we agreed with seller was short for $2500USD. It means that Bank did not approve our agreed price and asked to pay another $2500. I still thought it's good deal to pay $120K for 10 years single family house in nice gated community. I am lucky that I got loan from US bank during the long process. We went to visit this property when all condition were removed. We were falling love with another one during three days visiting. It's a regular sale ,but with market price. Unforturely , we did not get this one and feel very disspointed. However,I found it's back to market in two months so that I offer the full asking price.We got it this time. I feel happy that two properties have been rent out in resaonable time and price by property manager company ever since. It initiates me to buy the third one this year,but market has changed quite lot. This one is Bank Owned Property.I paid $30K-$40K more comparing with last two and took three months to close. I hope it will be appriciated  lots in five years.
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