一字记之若心 (非公开的博客)

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经历职场雷傲夫, 如何重新站起来? – 职坛名人名言录 [之一]

(2009-01-08 08:30:48) 下一个
名人:Realprincess, sub101, 知名度比较, 胡说之, 布衣之才, donotknowwhattodo, 美国老土, 安心草, nopanic,

1. 预防被裁

1.1 胡说之说“裁员次序”:
. 不能干活,领导也不喜欢的;
. 能干活,领导不喜欢的;
. 不能干活,领导却喜欢的;
. 能干活,领导也喜欢的。

1.2 “公司被最大的竞争对手买了”,一般被合并后, 都会有不同程度的裁员。 可能当时就走人, 也可能要过上3、5个月, 不好说。不管裁员不裁员, 自己都应该采取主动。不要裁员来, 临时抓瞎。

2. 公司宣布裁员,该怎么办?
“无论你的公司又没有宣布裁人,You should always Act proactive. Team up with a good recruiter, conduct passive search.
理想的状况下,公司应该更关心它的员工,你要关office没关系,提前招呼一下啊。。。种种原因吧,公司不会把你个人的利益放在第一位。作为个人,就一定要为各种状况做准备,be proactive。
找一个好的recruiter,告诉他们你的background, what do you want for next position, 等等。让他们帮你看着。你有可能永远不用换工作,但是如果他们找到你的dream job,换不换工作还不是由你决定。。自己的命运自己掌握比较好对不对。”

3. "得密报, 公司一周后可能要裁人, 有我. ", 是否主动辞, 以保名节?

“Heard one of my student saying her smart 掌柜的 couldn't sleep well in these days for above puzzle even he already passed a interview, will have offer in hand, I really feel there is something need to say to help friends understand do NOT worry something you really shouldn't worry about.
Nobody will quit a job when you know there will be a layoff.
Instead, many people would rather hold their offer in hand, wait to get a layoff and get a layoff package. Why not?
"Because I can say I did quit the job, not be laid-off".
The truth is, nowadays, so may layoff happened in so many companies, people totally understood.
Use your common sense to think, don't use 雷奉精神 in your job hunting process.”

4. 被裁后心理调节

4.1 “天涯何处无芳草,
此处不留爷, 自有留爷处.
别紧张,别害怕,大偶了, 把老板炒了.”

4.2 “裁员能改造人,希望我这被裁前就帮老婆包饺子,每天做饭烧菜,也爱穿老婆买的衣服,每天接送儿子上day care, play with him,do housework and grocery shopping 的人也能被改造一下...希望老婆能enjoy my fulltime home service...hehe”

5. 被裁后的交流

“跟同事和朋友交流一下,没准谁能帮你一把,帮着盯一盯公司是否招人,递个简历。很多公司招人不公开,即所谓的hidden job market,这部分的潜力比公开市场还大。



6. 被layoff了, 找新工作要如实说

6.1 “其实, 被裁员是一个比较不错的借口。公司自己发展不好, 要裁员。 因此, 不是你个人的工作没作好。”

6.2 “If you got layoff, you have to go. You can say that you like the company, due to re-org, you have to go. But if you tell them that you like to find others, they will wonder how long you would stay in their companies.”

6.3 “裁员无需解释。被裁的也可能是难得人才。裁员完全是公司运行不佳或是改变运行策略,跟被裁人员的素质无关。新雇主根本不会像你那样去想。”

6.4 “一般公司不会问为什么不留你而留别人 (出于礼貌也无必要,美国的文化很理解这样的事情)

At first I thought I won't be affected based on the perception of my contributions (cite examples here) and work well with everybody. I was really surprised when I was told my department (or program) was cut also. Later on I learnt there were 55 out of 99 being affected. From a positive point of view, however, this gives me a chance and motivation to look for a new opportunity such as the one you provided. (Then praise them, say why you want to join them bla bla bla). Now I am available to start as soon as possible.

Be positive/optimistic/relaxed. Do not show any negativity/sad feelings/disappointment (body language and verbal language, smile with shiny eyes all the time...)”

6. 老公被裁

“我老公被累的那段日子,我被累惨了,真不知道是我被累还是他被累了。怕他想不开, 我每天 陪他下围棋到深夜(他 同时开俩盘,肉搏的时候我得帮他数气),没事的时候就和他探讨围棋的tips,
他打游戏的时候,夜宵是变着花样的做, 连洗脚水都端到游戏桌前......
小心亿亿的伺候着, 等他一找到工作, 加倍奉还.......”

6. 看到希望:

Jamesxu 在被裁第3个星期,offer终于到手了, 工资还有微涨,福利居然比以前的好。

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