
秋月冬雪 (热门博主)
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Book list: Books to read

(2008-06-29 12:14:27) 下一个

1. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
Raising an emotional intelligent child by John Gottma


2. Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships
3. Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence

For College Application's Essay Suggestions
1. 50 Successful Harvard Application Essays, Second Edition: WhatWorked for Them Can Help You Get into the College of Your Choice, 2ndEdition by Staff of the Harvard Crimson 2005"Each essay is followed by a brief discussion written by a HarvardCrimson staff writer who analyzes its main strengths and weaknesses.Through this analysis and our Fifteen Steps to Success, you'll learn:
-How to pick a topic
-How to structure your essay
-How to keep the reader entertained
-How to avoid common pitfalls"

2. Essays That Worked for CollegeApplications: 50 Essays that Helped Students Get into the Nation's TopColleges by Boykin Curry, Emily Angel Baer, and Brian Kasbar 20033. Best College Admission Essays (Peterson's Best College AdmissionEssays) by Stewart & Muc 2004"Editorial Reviews50 Sample essays from successful college applications give a great ideaof what colleges are looking for, also includes tips and advice onwriting the essay, including content, style and format. VERY creativeand compelling essays get creative juices flowing. Expert advice fromadmissions officials at Yale, Stanford, Penn, and other top schools onessays, admissions, and more is also included."************************************************www.collegeboard.com/student/apply/essay-skills/ 里有很好的建议。College Essay Topics and Skills - Sample College EssaysBefore You Write. Choosing a College Essay Topic · Recipe for a Draft... Featured Product. College Application Essay · College ApplicationEssay ...
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