元音ar, er, or.
Action: Open mouth wide andsay ah, as if at the doctors.
如果你曾经嗓子疼看医生,医生让你张大嘴说“啊”,你会说,那就它了。不过别把这音和音a 搞混了,典型地例子:park,pack。不过如果你马马虎虎地把它们搞混了,应该也没啥大问题。
er: Inky is makingsome gingerbread people. She mixes up all the ingredients with a mixer –erererer.
Action: Roll hands over eachother like a mixer and say erererer.
这个描述有点儿迷糊。常做饭,而且得是常做西餐的人估计明白上面在说啥。不过我感觉这音基本就是汉语拼音里的“呃”。这个音也容易和音 u 搞混。比如:bug,berg.
or: Action: Puthands on head as if ears on a donkey and say eeyore, eeyore.
你要是在乡下长大,估计你发这音应该没问题,因为驴叫你肯定应该听过。:-)这个音容易和音 o, oa 混淆。如fork, float, flock.
音ar :
ar(art, car, park, bar), a(father), er(sergeant), ear(heart), ua(guard), aa(bazaar), au(aunt), al(calm)
拼写 ar, 音 er: grammar.
音 er: 音er 在单词中有四种常用拼法:er,ir, ur, ear
音 ear: ear/eer/ere (fear, cheer, mere, here, hear, tear(泪))
音 air: air/are/ear/eir/ere/er/ar/aire/aa/aer/ayr(lair, stairs, hair, pair, spare, stare, bare, ware, hare, tear(撕), bear, pear, wear, their, heir, there, where, stationery, stationary, millionaire,Aaron, aerial, Ayr)