Trifonov这个音乐会曲目里面的史克亚里宾和李斯特,恰巧都有人最近录过:王羽佳在她备受好评的DG debut(Sonatas and Etudes)中就弹了这两首奏鸣曲。我个人很喜欢王羽佳的录音,与Trifonov拼在一起比较,也得到颇有趣而且informative的结果。Trifonov两首曲各乐章的timing都比王羽佳短,整体弹得较快,表情较激烈:简单来说,虽然两人的硬技巧都极为辉煌,Trifonov比王羽佳更接近传统浪漫派炫技家的风格,更热更狂野、更不稳定和流动(volatile),王羽佳则更冷静、理智。两首曲刚好表现出两人的分別:Trifonov更能表现出史克亚里宾的梦幻与狂热,王羽佳的李斯特则更接近着重结构清晰和平衡的主流现代演译。
“Hearing Trifonov is like having a deep-tissue massage: You keep wanting to pull away from the sheer intensity of it, and you come out feeling as if your reality had been slightly altered. ”
”Part of what made the performance remarkable is that it could go to extremes, even to the edge of the grotesque, without seeming exaggerated. Or rather, the exaggeration felt like a necessity — the only way to communicate what needed to happen in this music.”